I guess serial killers are generally not the type to "come quietly".
I guess serial killers are generally not the type to "come quietly".
This Film Is Not Yet Rated is a great documentary about how films are rated. It really drives the point home that the ratings are based on the opinions of 20 some odd suburbanites living in the greater Los Angeles area.
The double-standard when it comes to violence in movies vs sexuality in movies never ceases to amaze me. And by 'amaze me', I mean 'make me want to bury my face against the side of a large fluffy dog and not come up for air for a very long time'.
Kind of seems like Time missed an opportunity to cover this as a gender issue. The fact that the family tree excludes women is a story. And they should have covered it. This reminds me about the debates about values in science. In science, the questions that get asked, that are deemed important enough to…
The thing about the women I named, they are all spectacularly good chefs. But they also had to force their way to where they are now, they are almost their own creations. It's unfortunate, the women who are there are very good, but very few of them actually benefitted from the boys club, as you can see from the chart.
Unfortunately, no. That's not the way the publishing industry in this country works. Lady Gaga would have said, "Put Malala on the cover instead," and Conde Nast would have said, "LOLLOLOLOLLOLOL k bye. What's Miley Cyrus doing?"
You lose me when you insist that avoiding hurting a friend's abuser should be of any concern to the other person.
Just imagine what he'd do to a Thomas Kincaide painting!
If you want to convince everyone you wrote your own book, it seems like it'd be counterproductive to go on TV and remind everyone that you can't speak your native language.
It means you have some degree of attraction to gambling, although you may be more frequently attracted to other activities. My post was not meant to definitively state that those women are definitely bisexuals, just a series of questions I had after reading that description. Also, the author didn't make it clear if…
Atlas Flounced
There was one other major reason that Cuccinelli — the state's current Attorney General — lost the election: Women.
This was at the location in Midtown Manhattan last May. Maybe the Manhattan location is better/different than the others? That's been the case with one or two other chains I've been dragged to here...
You're (obviously) wrong about Applebee's and T.G.I. Friday's; servers at both wear polo shits, but that's besides the point. Boobs are not the problem. Rewarding middle school athletes with boobs is. Hooters promises boobs, which is why people go. It sends the wrong message to these kids.
It looks like an initiation to manhood type of event wherein young men learn that their just reward for being good at manly sports is a female body. That's the issue here as far as I'm concerned.
I think what is being argued, though, is not that the existence of Hooters itself will sway a child in one direction or another, but the fact that their coach is fighting so hard to have this event there. He's not only condoning its existence, but promoting the utilization of the establishment to celebrate their…