Less shocked by the masturbation confession, more shocked by the fact you have only recently heard of the phrase "grinding" despite being an avid gamer.
Also, Roman Polanski.
funny how I read not a word about Michael fassbender's abuse of sunawin Andrews on an article (a month or two ago?) about him (fassbender). I wonder if that's why Nicole beharie left him? let's be clear,I think that chris brown's a self-entitled,abusive piece of shit and I have no problems with people criticizing him.…
A few years ago, my husband and I decided on a whim to go on a Halloween weekend ghost tour hosted by a local historical group. A few stops into the tour, we realized it was going to be more historic than scary, and we weren't allowed to go into many of the buildings on the tour as they were private residences, which…
This is what the one-percent are doing with 95 percent of the wealth in the nation.
When did Karl Welzein stumble into all that cash?
Wouldn't it be awesome if the legal system actually worked the way it did in that song?
I also like to track what I'm spending throughout the month, gas, groceries, going out, bookie etc.
Starting the article I was thinking "Why is my beloved Erin writing an anti-millenial piece like an old?" After article: "I've really been meaning to learn how to do some of that stuff." I've just started learning how to cook more than mac and cheese type foods. I still don't know how to iron (but I can do basic…
I would just love it if somebody responded to her with:
You know, I like Megyn Kelly. I think she works hard and, while we disagree ideologically on most things, I respect her seriousness and fact-knowing (plus all that business about maternity leave is pretty ballsy). It has to kill her soul a little to play Palin herder.
very interesting point.
Chonus, I love you. Mostly because I think you're a Bill O'Reilly talking points robot that has somehow gained sentience, and I've always wanted a robot pal. Two quick questions, though — 1) how am I "castrating" myself by not liking it when people are racist? Because I just jerked off in the shower and everything…
I was going to say that I wish I knew some progressive grandpas out there who do more than spout nonsense repeated from what they heard on Fox News, and then I remembered my dad's a grandpa! Kudos to this man for defending his grandson, even it means disowning his own child. And I really hope mom comes around because…
I like that he gave her what for, but still left the door open at the end. I hope she learns to love her son again and gives them a call.
Number one, "it actually effects" every person — if you are the friend or parent of a person prevented from marrying the person they love for some bullshit law then your heart is heavy also.