Heh, I remember being crushed as a 9-year-old that I was unsuccessful in peeling my whole nipple off along with a big-ass patch of post-sunburn dead skin. THIS CLOSE
Heh, I remember being crushed as a 9-year-old that I was unsuccessful in peeling my whole nipple off along with a big-ass patch of post-sunburn dead skin. THIS CLOSE
No kidding. I had to burn my Gay Card after I saw her in Videodrome.
I'm actually pretty surprised that the Post-Dispatch dumped him. The P-D has fallen a long way from its glory days under Pulitzer. It's been owned by a virulently conservative consortium based out of Iowa for about 5 years, and even the non-editorial content is yellower than a yield sign.
His wig is the #1 thing keeping me away from Only Lovers Left Alive. I get that it's part of the visual theme, with TILDA in all white and Tom looking all washed out... but c'mon. If you are putting the man in the same shot as glorious, radiant TILDA, he's going to need to bring his A-game.
Yeah, that awful long black Loki wig was The Very Worst. He looked that kid in high school who was still wearing WWF Wrestling shirts senior year. I couldn't believe it when I saw him with his natural hair — like night and day.
There was even a theme song for cassette pirates, Bow Wow Wow's C30, C60, C90, Go!
It's yet another modern convenience food. In my day we bought the whole block of nipple dust and crumbled it as we needed it.
You KNOW it's not gonna be a real banh mi. Like Drew Magary said:
I've heard the same. I've also been complimented (by both straight and gay men, but always men) on being gay but not being "you know, gaaaaaay." Have you ever seen Disappointing Gay Best Friend? It's on Youtube and is basically all about not being "gay enough." I think Portlandia ripped it off a few years later.
Hey, I barely ever read Kotaku but when I do I reliably see you fighting the good fight over here. I think there's a lot of good folks around here who mean well but are just a little young or naive or sheltered, so I think your efforts are not in vain. Not really related to the topic at hand, but wanted to send some…
An $80.00 watermelon would be hand-picked and come with a super-snazzy box for sure! A regular old boring watermelon for plebeian consumption is closer to $15.00-20.00.
Just to be clear, nobody buys the $80.00 cantaloupes and $6.00 bananas for themselves — they're gifts, like Harry & David pears or Shari's Berries. Fruit is pretty expensive nonetheless— a single banana at the convenience store is like $1.50, cheaper in bulk at the grocery.
I agree that, at some point, the kid will encounter hostility and bullying. However, the school's responsibility is to address bullying where it happens vis-a-vis the bully, not the victim. Asking the victim to change their behavior is not effective since bullies can always find a new trait to bully their victims…
These covers are priceless. But seriously, if you're writing YA romance, how else are you going to lend any weight and gravitas to a teenage love story? If you can't send one lover off to implied death in the military, there's always terminal illness.
And without this type of moronic, othering behavior from adults setting an example, would the kids even "know" to make fun of him?
There was a constant crowd near the PP where I grew up. Growing up I always thought I'd love to troll these protesters by standing in their midst, wearing a big chicken costume and holding a sign showing a horrific, graphic photograph of two sunnyside-up eggs frying in a pan.
I think that the perceived and actual lack of support for mothers (not only from employers and the government, but from fathers too), and the economic impact of having a child are probably the biggest drags on the birth rate. Similarly, lack of support and recourse for wives and the economic impact of getting married…
Yep, it's still a big topic. The Abe administration has put a lot more emphasis on the subject in the last couple of years, especially in trying to get more nursery teachers trained and more authorized day care providers established. It's an interesting situation because Japanese law does provide for both maternity…
Well, the delivery and hospital care would definitely be a lot cheaper! And if your friend does not plan on trying to leave a job for maternity leave and return to it after having the child, that probably ameliorates a lot of the potential problems. Also, family available to help out? Japan's not a terrible place…
Japan provides little to no protection for women intending to keep their jobs during and after pregnancy and child-rearing. Although explicitly gender-flagged job assignments have disappeared in the last 30 years, women are still largely expected to follow a separate career trajectory if they plan on having children…