
I don’t disagree. A case of trying to stuff too much in a film because I can absolutely see how this would have worked without it, concentrating more on Hancock as a mess of a hero. I have to admit though that the mythology and the potential of that premise is what drew me back into the re-watch.

Hancock. A frustrating time for a movie I quite enjoy. Will Smith is just right as the titular character and this time around, especially in the first half, I noticed Charlize Theron is acting the hell out of her role. The premise is fun and interesting, it brought to mind a mix of comics like Old Guard and Powers and

I was sent to the hardware store for a long weight once. It took ages.

Finished watching Elementary this weekend. From dipping in and out of the reviews here there seems to be some disappointment with the seasons after the first. I think it’s partly because the more serialised storytelling elements never quite lived up to the twist at the end of the first in terms of impact it had

Monster University. A decent sequel. I don’t know if this is a bit odd but what impressed me the most was an early shot of Mike’s cap, worn and faded, that looked so real I could believe it was. It helps that I have a very similar, treasured, cap of faded colour and wear. The jokes are good and I enjoyed the fleshing

Almost finished Abandon’s Gate, book 3 of The Expanse. I’m really coming round to the whole Holden is an asshole opinion. Not that he’s a bad guy, just too self righteous and impulsive. Somehow I still quite like him. Probably helped by the escalatingly shitty situations he and the crew find themselves in. The authors

While they are both excellent choices I think they’re in another category because I can’t imagine either of them being called Chris. What i can easily imagine is their excoriating glare directed at anyone who would.

Get the Sonic cgi team to create Stitch, then make them do it better before they release a trailer.

Leviathan Wakes by James S. A. Corey. I’d read the first three of The Expanse before and made it partway through four before having to return it to the library and wasn’t enthused enough to continue. I remember the fourth dragging a lot. What i’d forgotten was how quickly LW moves along and how enjoyable the ride is,

Be more positive! I’m sure “A Quick Bite of Cura Te Ipsum’s Colon” would find a home on another streaming service. Who could resist all those hilarious hard k sounds?

I hadn’t considered that EOT might be whitewashing. It does seem odd that it didn’t really get any criticism for it. My intial thought is that maybe because it is humanity against aliens so easier to accept transposing the events to other peoples, whereas something like GITS deals very specifically with intra-human

That should have been the tag line. It’s memorable. Just imagine the publicity.

Friday night watched Edge of Tomorrow. Thoroughly enjoyed this and wish I’d seen it at the cinema but was meh on Tom Cruise at the time. After hearing good reviews and being intrigued by the premise i read All You Need Is Kill a while back. Liked the story enough to then be worried a Holywood film ending would mess it

Written by Alyssa Wong I think and the trade is due next January.

Read the last 3 volumes of Doctor Aphra. Overall have enjoyed the series and Aphra herself especially. I was a little disappointed by the end. What didn’t work for me so much was the Doctor explaining herself in such a direct manner. I get she’s having a moment of honest self reflection, but feel that even then she

This looks interesting even though it’s not Discworld as I know it from the books. Difficult to know from the trailer if it has the heart of the Watch books that might help make it worthwhile. I hope so because the only adaptations I feel have done justice to Prattchet’s work so far are the Tony Robinson read audio

Injustice Year One. Been curious about this having seen lots of positive comments round here so picked up the trade and went through at speed.

It definitely does. My memory of watching the first season originally was that, even though I liked it, it moved too slowly. In a binge watch episodes that might seem slight when pondered over a week get subsumed into the impact of multiple episodes. It helps that I enjoy time with the characters as well as the

I read a collected edition of the intra Superman titles event Panic in the Sky from the early 90's. It’s okay. A nice touch in the collection was having comments from the different creators at the start of each issue.

I also watched this. I think there was a shark.