
Having finished S2 of The Good Place (so good) I’m taking a break before watching the next season by going back to a series i’d drifted away away from: Agents of Shield.

Reading this while hungover was not a good idea. Partly for obvious queasy feeling reasons but mostly because I spent far to many seconds appalled/wondering how they got all those bottles of sherry to fit, some how forgetting the glorious turn of phrase “butt-chugging” that now realisation has set in I’m sure I will

In an effort to prolong the viewing pleasure of S2 of The Good Place, and to vicariously relive that of S1, I watched some reactions, starting with the final episode of S1. My favourite so far was where the reaction to the reveal seems underwhelming but, as she slowly becomes more agitated during the rest of the

I watched Enchanted last night. Amy Adams is top notch and when I saw Idina Menzel was involved I thought she was doing the singing, so impressed that it is Adams. Amusing that with this and Frozen, modern takes on the Disney Princess story, Menzel completes the traditional Princess package of singing and marriage.

Doom Patrol S1. Finished watching this last night. It was a struggle not to binge it in one go, sleep be damned, because I loved every moment and wanted to consume it whole like an ass swallowing a whole town. I’m guessing from the name check by Mr Nobody (Alan Tudyk looked to be having a blast with this role) that it

Dacascos is great fun with his seriousness then adding in the awkward fan boy enthusiasm.

Giant Days vol. 13. Mainly focused on Esther and McGraw this time with emotional highs and lows, a pithy explanation of cricket, humour and two vampires* this series remains charming and delightful. With the end approaching I’m reminded I need to check out Allison’s other comics.

Binged the first season of Dead Like Me. An enjoyable hangout out show with characters who, mostly because of how the actors play them, i like watching. It has charm, not much in the way of plot progression and some character development. Also Jewel Staite as a Goth Punk provided the “I recognise that actor but can’t

Interesting phenomenon though this is, my brain can’t move past the assertation there are multiple scenes of Vince reading pulp fiction while on the job in Pulp Fiction!? I recall one, maybe. By far the weirdest motivating factor I’ve ever had to rewatch a film.

Likewise. The moment I read the question the guitars kicked of in my head..

Just finished season 1 of Titans. Really going for grim and gritty. I don’t know the comic book characters well enough to say they’ve ever been this “dark”, but I doubt it.

Watched the first two Hotel Transylvania movies. While not as well put together in comparison to most Pixar efforts they definitely have an appeal of their own. Easy to imagine having nostalgia for the films as an adult if I’d seen them as a kid, which is a long winded way to say that they’re fine. Andy Samberg’s

Black Hammer Vol. 4. Underwhelmed, maybe with the series overall. It’s good but think I was too hyped by earlier reviews, so look forward to re-assessing when I get time to read the whole thing in one go.

Blood & Ink. An Elementary tie in novel by Adam Christopher. Picked up because on sale, i enjoyed Empire State

I don’t know if it qualifies as satire, I just wasn’t being entirely serious. These are some things that pop up often in the UK media when discussing keeping the monarchy.

No, thank you.

Symbolism, tourism (supposedly), tabloids and gossip magazines, traditon, tourism and it leaves the always compelling option of a republican revolution open. Did I mention tourism? I mean look at France, who wants to go there since they done in their royals! Not aristos for sure. Perhaps most importantly though

I’d like to add Jason Gann, Sarah Michelle Prinze, Kate Micucci, Christopher McCulloch & Orville Richard Burrell in a van bearing the legend “Puzzle Vehicle”.

I used to think it did. Since rewatching it last year, knowing what the finale is, I’ve been swayed to think maybe it doesn’t. I still don’t like the ending and feel like they got caught up in trying too hard for the twist, but I can enjoy most of what came before it.

Ah, the fabled Illuminutty.

I should have woken up hungover and slightly delirious after coming out of the Eurovision bubble. Alas.