
“The doors of Darkplace were open. Not the literal doors, but evil doors. Dark doors. Doors to the beyond. Doors hard to shut because they were abstract and didn’t have handles. More like portals really.”

The only abiding memories I have of Be Here Now are it was the first Oasis album I brought - absolutely because of the hype - and, about two weeks later, traded it for Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness.

Being the first Alien movie I saw I have a certain fondness for it. Scenes like the swimming Aliens and the basketball have stuck in my memory since seeing it at the cinema and I remember enjoying it. I do wonder how it would hold up now that i've seen the first two and the various AvP films. 

I know it’s no longer politically correct, but I would love to go to one of these sorts of shows, watch two caged nerds battle at 3 dimensional chess and admire the fabulously bearded cosplayers. I guess comic cons will do but they lack that old timey geek show charm.

I second this exclamation.

Perhaps, but I can’t discount the previous franchise star making turns. They put the work in and even though the films are part of the MCU it’s no absolute guarantee of success. Also there’s the possibility of recasting, however remote for main characters, like with War Machine.

Not as many stars (however that’s defined ) as other suggestions, but Scott Pilgrim was the first film to pop up in my head.

Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson. Not typically a hard sci-fi reader but this has held my attention with no problem and I’m about a third through and really enjoying it.

Saw The French Dispatch yesterday (very Wes Anderson) and seeing Last Night in Soho on the top 10, not actually seen it yet, sparked the thought that Anderson and Wright have stylistic similarities while being very distinct from each other. So now, instead of sleeping, I’ve been wondering what such a collaboration

I remember it exists, but not much else. Not a comment on the quality I just couldn’t finish it because the VHS’s were hard to come by so gave up and hadn’t thought about it again until your comment. I also wonder how it holds up. Seemed popular in various anime magazines of the time, or at least there were a lot of

Who is Conan O'Brien and why is she so sad?

I think i can understand.

I’ve heard good things about that and the cast is impressive. Yet to try it though.

First the Sandman trailer now this. Seeing some of my favourite fictions become ‘real’ is proving a strange experience. Mostly good so far!

Sandman has been in my head for decades now and trying to enjoy this on it’s own merits is next to impossible for me, but agree this brief peek looks promissing.



It is by the juice of Slushie that thoughts aquire hyperactivity, the shirt aquires stains, the stains become a warning.

Snyder cut Justice League. It’s okay.

Some context. I have not paid to see a Snyder movie since Man of Steel - an also okay film where super alien fights other super aliens that had nothing to do with Superman apart from the names. I have seen BvS and the original release of JL at a friends. Had a good time. Nothing