
I just watched his performance and agree. It seemed strangely muted. Italy on the other hand really went for it and I always enjoy what seems like the once a decade rock song win.

Watched two films i’ve only seen in bits before.

Adams Family Values. Holy shit it’s funny! Pugsley calmly hanging himself as a background joke had me dying.
Holy shit it gets dark! Murder by cake!
Which leads in to the Holy Shit of how did this get a PG rating!? All the afore mentioned and more plus certain

Read the last 6 volumes, so far, of Hunter x Hunter. I’m not as enamoured of the arcs done and started in these as previous ones. While happy that we get a Chimera Ant coda interwoven with the Election arc and the Kakin arc is left at a point of interesting potential for the various plot lines to interweave and bounce

A few years back I was reading some volumes of Hunter x Hunter that finished a little way into the Chimera Ant arc. It left me worried the story would descend into a Cell Tournament like arc (enjoyable, but was also where i lost interest in any further Dragonball) and, not being able to read anymore of it at the

I’m on team reheat to eat.

Similarly i think The Man With One Red Shoe is a decent remake of The Tall Blonde Man With One Black Shoe, though my preference is for the original.

This is not the May forth news I was looking for. A news I hoped for was like Jedi coming back in the Obi-one show or on an empire stike force counter-attacking in the Bad Batch.

I stopped watching this show about 6 episodes in on S1. I could not see how this could be a good show. A friend whose taste in TV i trust has tried to convince me the show improved but I could not bring myself to invest the time. This description though . . . this is bonkers enough that I’ve got to see if they can

I paused this after a few seconds because I’ve not seen season 6 yet, but it made me laugh right away and is a perfect combination of cheese and awesomeness.

Queen’s greatest hits 1 & 2 with Elfquest volumes 3 & 4. It’s been years since, with the exciting newfound freedom of a young teen, I randomly purchased the comicbooks as they were on sale, took them home, lay in a patch of sunshine on my bedroom floor and read through them as the CD’s i’d purloined from my brother

Through the unknowable machinations of YouTube algorithms I’ve been introduced to and whiling away time watching anime reviews on Mother’s Basement channel. This lead to watching The Misfit of Demon King Academy in the hope of some ironic laughs. Unfortunately the series is exactly as earnest as it seems, any parody

Now playing

Fuck seems so ubiquitous in film, and in general, that it barely registers as an insult anymore, which is how I remember hearing it first it as a kid. Now it comes across more as an expression of anger, surprise or shock. Perhaps that’s just me when driving and someone doesn’t use their indicator. This means it’s less

Binged the anime Ouran High School Host Club. It’s premise - girl joins posh school male host club - is wacky exaggerated nonsense that has charm, positivity and humour to make it work. There’s a switch half way through as the focus goes from the hijinks of the host club to the characters history and development that

Watched Steamboy. First saw it at a late night festival, I think near the original release, with lots of hype that I remembered it as not living up to. Re-watching it was still underwhelming. A shame and, slightly oddly, i feel bad that this is my experience.

Don’t forget your juke box money!

That’s a shame, I think it has such good potential as an ongoing series.

Faith and the Future Force. I’ve been reading various titles of the Valiant comics relaunch and Faith’s own title is a favourite because it takes joy in having our heroine being a superhero. In this story that comes across in her fangirl enthusiasm for time travel adventure that looks like a Valiant universe titles

I had no idea that exists! Last one I remember is the one for Small Gods because the artwork is distinctive. I’ll have to check it out.

Adaptations of the Discworld books have never fully worked for me be it live action or animated show/TV film, comic or radio play. The closest to successful adaptation though is arguably the least complicated: audiobook.

Éponine in the original London cast recording of musical Les Miserables. Hell, over the years Javert’s final song has, in my view, gone from fitting end of a villain to tragedy of a man unable to forgive himself and will moisten the eye.