
The only team who could have beaten the spurs this year was the Mavericks. I'm calling another Spurs championship.

What the fuck is conservative about this particular issue (whether the NFL has responsibility to have ethically behaving doctors)? What does conservative even mean to you? Not every issue is this binary political question where we all pick either R or D each time, jackass.

Big deal, Packers' players have been pounding the Vikes for 60 years.

"...the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you."

The four characters you can pretty much guarantee making it to the end, or pretty close to it, are Tyrion, Daenerys, Arya and Bran. Tyrion will likely buy it in the climax, but I imagine the others will live on.

The only thing left, really, is for Martin to pack each edition of Winds of Winter with a venomous spider placed about fifty pages before the end so that you, the reader, dies at the climax of the book.

There are two reasons I got married. My spouse is awesome and dating is terrible. Why would anyone want to go on dates again?


Oh, completely. That's what I mean, I'll watch him because I hope he gets creamed, but if he doesn't it'll make the anticipation and payoff even greater down the road. It'll be exciting football one way or the other.

I used to kind of hate this guy until this moment. Then it happened. Now all I think is "troll on, you magnificent bastard"

I never gave a shit about Manziel until I read the post on the Patriots evaluation. Now I want him to be the second coming of Joe Montana. Because fuck the Patriots.

Agreed. Samer needs to put more thrust behind his hips, and try it with a human instead of a mattress.

Is it odd that the last one doesn't look "right" without Joel and the 'Bots in the corner?

Bullshit. If you know you need to log in once every 90 days to keep your software active and you wait until day 89 to do that then you are asking for it.

If I'm understanding this outage correctly, people are having trouble logging into the server that allows them access to their cloud storage. It also seems to be impacting the CC client that updates software and activates new software. It appears to have no bearing on the usefulness of any of the CC pieces of software

No problem here, I used Lightroom and Photoshop CC this morning.

It doesn't need to be online all the time. You only need to log online once every 90 days. I got the message that Adobe couldn't contact its ID service, and I have to log on sometime between now and AUGUST before it shuts off.

I think Jimmy Page sharing a song with P Diddy for this movie was the biggest travesty of all.

Went to college at NMSU (go Aggies!) just a stones throw away from Texas. There is a Whataburger at one end of the campus, and I must say, a green chili cheese Whataburger is pretty tough to beat.

As a Californian who has had both, there is no comparison. Whataburger kills In N Out.