
A soul? You, sir, are one up on the Ginger Hammer.

San Antonian here - dear God please keep this dumpster fire of a team faaaaar away from us. Crap management is a contagion, and we must keep the Spurs free of infection.

The Andy Reid Kool-Aid Man gif is second only to the buttfumble for eternal watchablilty.


This has been a real shit week. Laughed like a fool at "Captain Impregnator"

Conversely, Timmeh will never be hated as much as Jordan, either.

Damn, I was hoping for another brilliant Sandler-raping from Red Letter Media.

Sherman then went on to rave about water being "wet" and the sun coming up in the "east".

I subscribe to many points of your newsletter. I still love Fallout 3 over and above all.

I dunno, that Chargers logo hair joke was pretty inspired.

I call bullshit. Nobody clapped at the end of that movie. Defecated themselves, maybe.

I demand the Cheese Pierogi be tested for HGH.

You forgot...

"I like that they are watching."

I love dogs. That is all.

this, this, a *thousand* times this. Grados are sooo good.

The real question, is Sherman going to meet up with John Elway for any Stanford Alumni Association events around the big game?