
He said "culpability". The NFL fucking hates that word.

There is really only one suspendable offense in the NFL: embarrassing The League.

Goodell is a mendacious tool who's undoubtedly going to to get canned or can himself in the near future. But Ray Rice is unlucky. I say that not to defend his conduct in any way; slugging your wife/girlfriend is categorically reprehensible and his indefinite suspension is well deserved. The fault in his stars (or

Well I know who has my vote to be the next NFL commissioner.

TV crew made a nice camera transition to rapist Ben Roethlisberger before the commercial.

So I don't buy NFL branded merchandise or tickets to any NFL games, I don't have DirecTV or the Sunday Ticket package, and don't factor into the Nielsen ratings in any way. I can still watch games knowing I'm not contributing to this awful organization, right? Because, man, football is a hard drug to quit

  • You could probably guess what was on the tape, given that the other tape shows Ray Rice dragging his unconscious fiancée out into the casino lobby.

I think it's this guy. This guy is lying.

"Exculpatory? Listen, firstly of all, they are still married. And B, I just don't see how you can see her as culpatory."

The US really needs to rethink having Klinsmann as the coach, because Germans clearly don't know how to win it all in Russia.

"I love the NFL."

18 Months From Now

"To play like Ronaldo, you must look like Ronaldo."

I am going to guess that shirt sponsor Fly Emirates is some sort of hair gel conglomerate.

We don't say hurt anybody. We say hail to the redskins, braves on the war path, fight for old DC

Trainer 1: "Buck! Buck! Are you okay?"

"Wait, research shows that a football player from Missouri named Michael has something scientifically wrong with his brain!"

So... they're sad because Vick doesn't have a dog in this fight?

Last gal's friend is just trying to relate. New mom probably won't shut up about the kids, and so the topic of "taking care of an inferior being" ends up being the only common ground.

Child please. Snoop's a legend.