
which also happens to be one of the best pieces of American cinema you will ever lay eyes on.

FROM nba
WHERE owner='racist'
GROUP BY geffen,winfrey
HAVING SUM(championships) <= 0

Trick question — they all suck equally bad.

No objections, your honor.

Elon Musk emigrated here, became a naturalized citizen, and became wildly successful. Sounds like the American ideal to me.

And may I be the first to say, thank God. I cannot put into words how thankful I will be when big-brand car makers selling crummy econoboxes can no longer rub it in our faces that their cars are 'more American' than the other names in cheap, crappy cars. For once, the most American of cars will be a truly American

Disagree. Don't see a trail of beaten-up prostitutes.

I guess I'm just old, but when did we start referring to Cristiano Ronaldo as just Ronaldo on first reference? When I hear Ronaldo I think of the Brazilian Ronaldo, who really was the Ronaldo of his era. And yet now everybody just called CR Ronaldo and while yea it's fine we can assume you're talking about the active

Wow, the guilt-ridden lash-back in the comments is hysterical.

Should have just said "What's up, redskin?" to show he values and honors the man's history.

Sherman's article is rife with inaccuracies. For one, Snoop Dogg got with Dr. Dre well after NWA had already broken up.

NFL teams understand that. The Seattle Seahawks get it. The Philadelphia Eagles apparently do not.

The difference between a toddler with a skinned knee and a white guy told there's a double standard in his favor is that the toddler eventually stops crying about it.

If Richard Sherman were't so fucking talented he would be booted from the league for being this intelligent and outspoken. Kudos to him for using his position in the NFL to speak truth to power at the possible expense of an early retirement.

I am old and out of touch, but it's hard for me to take "throws up gang signs in photos" as serious evidence when stuff like this exists.

Jolie, if there's one thing that you do not need to tell us male readers of Deadspin when it comes to our junk, is to scrub, I mean really scrub, I mean get down there and give it a workout scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub, scrub since most of us do that on a very regular basis anyway. The using of soap was a good