I’ll be a hell of a lot better once I know what’s up with these boots
I’ll be a hell of a lot better once I know what’s up with these boots
Sorry for the confufflement fellas! I got a bit o’ the wet on me boots as I warshed me clothes, so needed to dry em out a wee bit. Noticed I did that me scrub board always does dry the fastest it do. Propped it up the ridge there to catch them last BEAUTIFUL rays before they could wink goodnight. Hopefully one man’s…
I don’t quite get the general hate towards the entire Neogaf community after this news. I’ve been a lurker of the site for years and a member for some months, some of the best discussions I’ve ever seen about gaming were on that site, it had some really intelligent and interesting members.
Tom Cruise, his family is scientology.
I wish men would stop saying this. We don’t have value because of our relationships with men - we are people with worth no matter whether we’re related to you or not. Instead of thinking, “what if this happened to my wife/sister/mother/daughter” try thinking “what if this happened to me.” Because that is what we think…
I am a son, brother, husband, and father to the women and girls in my life
Looks like the Call of Duty subtitle creator has crashed and we’re just getting [Something] Warfares.
Much more in depth than my checklist of ”Praising the Sun” and "Stop dying".
So does this make him more or less likely to be signed by the Cowboys?
Knights of the Round was so long if you use W Summon, its like...what? 4 Summons in a row?
So wait, they’re angry that unnecessary objectification and sexualization is being removed from their games, so they’re accusing one of the people who works on the games of... sexualizing and objectifying characters?
My takeaway from this article is that we’re saying:
Between this, Diablo, and Hearthstone, Blizzard has become frighteningly good at loot container opening porn. Their next game will probably be called Open These Sweet-Ass Boxes, and I will spend several thousand dollars on it.
Oh good god the loot opening animation is near pornographic.
So you always say. With total confidence. Which is always the attitude of people who justify piracy: that literally no one has ever pirated a game that they would have otherwise paid for. Which...
Where are your stats to support such a theory?
Don’t blame Microsoft. It’s not their fault the tablets are full of spyware.