
Stephen, this Wii-U announcement has sent you on a 96-hour bender of everything Nintendo! Take 10 Advil when the hangover starts to kick in :)

I misread "ED-E" as "EDI"....and then was thoroughly disappointed when I read the article. ED-E is great and all, but I prefer my companions to look like Brooklyn Decker wrapped in tin foil.

This actually reminds me of the argument Miyamoto would discuss about game realism during the development of Wind Waker. Even though that game used a "less realistic" art style, he maintained the game experience was more realistic because they had fewer limitations of animation and environmental interaction:

This one targeted the over-aggressive 15-18 year old demographic

So more by-the-numbers, politically correct games that take no chances? Everyone deserves to be ridiculed who is attached to American politics right now...Republican or Democrat.

This is right on the money. Truth is that there was no significant gap in the market the Onlive was supplying, even though it provides convenience for many at a price point lower than consoles and PCs. Additionally, there was no compelling reason for console owners to switch to a system that provided less games and be

Insider trading is specifically tied to buying/selling stock when you are privy to confidential information, meaning it has not been made public yet. It's difficult to prove in a court because you have to produce evidence that the accused were not only aware of the information, but also executed trades for personal

The worst thing about Doom 3 was the "monster closets". Every switch or door you touched would spawn a handful of enemies from a hidden location...groan

Are you done spreading your misery across the Internet? Because everyone stopped listening hours ago.

And can it run Crysis?

Soooo androgynous

Adding air guitars does not give you a free pass to reboot classic series

It's becoming apparent that people very much associate an always-on connection to getting regular content updates. Requiring that connection may have been a short-sighted move on Blizzard's part, but I agree that the main issue is unreasonable expectations.

Zach Morris: a true pioneer of identity espionage

This is all I could think of after seeing that GIF

Great article, although you missed calling out what allows Apple to play Alpha Male in the tablet space. Tim Cook and company made some incredibly savvy business deals to enter into a vertical integration partnership with their manufacturers. It created a supply chain that operates at extremely low costs and avoids

After getting LittleBigPlanet 2 last year, I got so hooked on it over the next few months that I eventually deleted my save files and tossed it in the trash. I felt like an addict flushing drugs down the toilet!

Chris, do you feel that the backlash against the new version of Final Cut Pro was warranted? How big of a challenger do you think Valve's entry will be for companies with established editing software like Apple?

Are you talking about the gum or the new comment system? :)

I support any initiative that will de-glorify troll posts!