Best. Article. Ever.
i just woke up the neighbors from laughing so hard. Didn't know Anderson was a gay romance option in ME3!
My Xbox red-ringed yesterday after 6 years of ups and downs, so I'm SOL for Dawnguard right now. Which made me realize it's time to get a new rig and jump on the PC train!
Agreed, I saw all 3 ME3 endings in a half-hour, which is faster than I would download the one ending for my save game.
I don't get how more in-game coins translates to an add-on anyone would want to pay real money for. Can someone fill me in on what I'm missing?
FFXI is the marathon man with 10 years of healthy returns across 3 systems, while FFXIV shit the bed right out of the gate. Makes you wonder how Square Enix could possibly drop the ball so badly with a new MMO after seeing such success with FFXI.
Owen, are you leaving Eugene and bringing your talents to [U.S. city]?
It seems like no one brings up that a second screen is only useful for a break in the action, like picking your play in Madden or checking your backpack in ZombiU. A second screen is not helpful when you're actively controlling something on the first screen because you have no tactile sense of buttons. Unless you use…
Thank you for giving FFIV the musical head nod it deserves. It always seems to get lost in the shadow of FFVI even though IV set the initial bar for RPG soundtrack greatness.
Is it just me or did Ubisoft WIN E3 hands-down? Between ZombieU, Watch Dogs, Assassin's Splinter Cell...they threw everything at us but the kitchen sink. I was extremely impressed with the variety of gameplay they showed through their catalogue and the fact that each game showed a polish that exceeded the…
Watch Dogs is confirmed for PS3 & 360 by Ubisoft
This game and Watch Dogs look incredible...and are running on high-end PCs to show gameplay. Good news for the PC faithful, but I'm waiting for the inevitable chorus of boos when they show how watered-down the visuals are on current consoles.
Totally agree, hope publishers have learned this after the Too Human debacle. This game is already looking ready for prime time.
I think a generous amount of escort missions and fetch quests will really deliver what Dead Space fans are asking for.
Can't....resist...Reggie's gaze...have inexplicable unneeded Wii Balance Board and Wii Motion Plus.
The cell phone power-down on airplanes drives me to Charlie Sheen levels of crazy: