
Try treating him badly!

Do you think she'd accept it if you could open up more fully about how important your fetish is for you? A plan would be for you to slowly acclimate her to your sexual needs, and maybe then dangle the idea of you visiting someone for those needs if she can't meet them.

I've often said that I'd make a really good rabbi, if I wasn't such atheist. I think it'd be cool to help people through their spiritual problems, and I love theological analysis and commentary. If everything else in my life goes to shit, I might apply myself there.

There's not one thing that people look for in those apps. I also suck at a meeting people "in the wild", so for me, these apps are just a shortcut for meeting people, and each of which may be looking for something different. Whenever I'm on Tinder, I tend to look for something more than a hook-up, maybe the start of a

I don't really find ghosting to be that bad when you don't really know each other that well yet. If you've only been on a couple of dates and aren't really feeling it, I think it's fine. I've been ghosted and have ghosted before, and usually it's fine, like a mutual understanding that "meh, it didn't work out". Sure

Find a sexy gay dentist, then flirt with him while your mouth is all open and drooly. He'll surely fall for it!

Yeah, season 4. It was dumb, but at least it was pulpy fun again after the slog of season 3.

What if we combine The Sopranos, The Wire and Deadwood? HBO was on FIRE those days.

Hah! Last season of Game of Thrones was far from the best, and I was definitely making a very hyperbolic statement, but I still consider it a very high quality show, that at the very least stacks up with Netflix's original content as of date.

Well, have you tried The Sopranos yet?

And yet my favorite new show of last year was Mr. Robot, a USA show! I'd agree that they've done pretty well, they're really trying at least, but I still think they can do better than that.

I’d argue that it still does, yes. This doesn’t mean that every single show it airs is good, of course (*cough*True Blood*cough*True Detective Season 2*cough*), but it does have a good batting average in nurturing talent and bringing out greatness.

I’m all for more original programming, and I’m glad that Netflix’s strategy might result in networks taking risks in new shows. But, having said that, though Netflix’s approach of throwing money at whatever has resulted in good shows (Orange is the New Black, Daredevil and Jessica Jones, BoJack Horseman, I’ll even

I've been on a date in that ninja restaurant in NY! That whole scene was very true to life, including the booths they sat in, the menu scrolls and the rubber ninja stars on the drinks. I think the only difference was that the ninja guy who scares us at the entrance was less stabby in real life.

But I'm so good at overthinking!

A lot of shows fall for that, unfortunately. It's a weird thing to say when the network television norm used to be 22 episodes per season, but it seems sometimes even 13 episodes can be enough to make a season feel too long. I really enjoy serialization, but that doesn't mean every show should be paced like a 13 hour

Hum.. Yeah, that's not promising, because I don't really have a lot of time to kill. I think I'll just leave that in the deep, deep backburner for now then. Which is too bad, because this is a killer cast.

You should have followed that six-hour conversation with a two-hour makeout session instead. That's your problem right there.

I made it two and a half episodes through before I realized that I really didn't care about anything that was going on in the show. Which is a shame, because I really liked the actors in the cast, and I enjoyed the setting. But it was such a slog! Does it really pick up by the end?

I had completely erased the writer guy from my memory. Don't they play video games and flirt or something?