
I don't think these movies are unrequited as much as they are not truly consummated. Or they're consummated but then they're lost. There's something about the love that is lost that makes it more compelling.

Eternal Sunshine hurts me a lot every time I watch it. But that's kind of the point, you know?

Now that I think about it, it would have been neat if Me had been a companion that doesn't travel with the Doctor. As in, she shows up in all his adventures throughout the series but without traveling in the Tardis with him, just waiting until he shows up.

Frida Kahlo realness is ALL the rage in Brazilian gay/feminist culture. It's kind of overplayed here, but I still thought it was cool to see it in Drag Race.

HEY this is an American website. He goes by Jimmy Five here.

As to 2.: it was so damn lifeless! I kept thinking about whether this could be some editing trickery, and I need to rewatch it, but I do think it was just a very dull, unfocused lip synch. Granted, the song doesn't really play to either of those queens' strengths, but that's no excuse to do something so dull.

I thought it would be Shangela, even if just for the running joke of her constantly coming back.

As a whole, I really hated this episode, but the Dune scene was by far my favorite thing in the first four episodes of The Characters. Fuck Zebrowski for hitting my nerdy Achilles hell.


Rusty successfully got Christopher Lambert to come to his party! I mean, sure, it didn't work out because he got locked outside of said party, but I'm surprised he even went.

A weed ninja!

I watched the original adaptation in 2005 and then Brotherhood nine years later, and while I loved the original, I had to force myself to finish Brotherhood. I'm not sure how much of that is because of the quality of the first or if I was just older and more discerning by then, but I'm still completely on your side on

I played the entirety of AC3 while watching Cheers on my iPad. It really was extremely mindless.

Quest 64! This was my first RPG, and I found it so weird. I took forever to get the hang of the game, and the only way I ever beat it was by using a Gameshark.

The problem with playing in French for non-French speakers, at least in the PC version, is that the subtitles are tiny. But I agree that it makes for a much better experience.

Bomberman 64 was cool though! The multiplayer was not the traditional Bomberman experience, but it was a lot of fun, and the single player mode was a weird mess. I haven't played it since I was a kid, but I have vivid memories of trying to make straight lines with giant bombs so I could skip across them, as that was

Exactly, Jewish religious scholarship is all about finding loophooles in god's commandments. Seeing as I'm already a lawyer, I'd basically be doing the same thing I do now, only with millenia-old legislation instead.

I enjoy when my partner swallows because the tip of the penis gets super sensitive at that moment, and having it in someone's mouth gives it a weird, good feeling. But it's really not something to get worked up about, and demanding it when the person can't/doesn't want to do it is fucked up regardless.

Get one of those Segways with a tablet glued on and follow your parents around the house with it. They'll never tell the difference!

Maybe you should go about this the other way around. First find a gay dentist, bewitch him, and then become his client.