
30 commenters so far, most complaining, none doing what needed to be done. You’re welcome.

Wow, what a fucking waste of time. That shit music? They couldn’t even afford a narrator? Why not just, you know, write and article and post it instead of whatever this was?

Why was that video instead of text? There was no commentary; it was just words on a screen. It means you can’t watch it on your phone or read it discreetly at work and it uses a shitton more data. And makes your computer run hotter.

It’s only a video?? Damn.

BRAN: Dames, who needs ‘em? But you and me, pal, we get each other. Just two bros, hangin’ out, shootin’ the shit, doin’ man stuff. Like, um... um... scratchin’ our balls and... sports? And? my omniscience power is leaving me hanging here...

Kinja is stupid. The end.