
Sir, this is a car blog.

The idiot ended up hitting people with a 2+ tonne metal object whilst trying to harm them in a different manner. I don’t see why charging this person is at all a question.

It’s my duty to clear up this misconception every time it appears.

truck engine (I know its different, but is it really?)

Haven’t accomplished a damn thing in our lives? I once did that thing where you put a pile of coins on your elbow and swing your hand down to catch them, and I’m pretty sure I got, like, 75% of those coins. A lot clattered under the couch, but still. Checkmate. 

Around a decade ago, Elon Musk and Tesla had a great idea. They developed an electric car that was the opposite of what we had come to expect from one. People thought electric cars were slow so they made it fast. We thought they took forever to charge so they developed a way to charge them quickly and built the

I really can’t believe how unbelievably stupid these have gotten (and mostly were from the beginning). People trying to one up strangers on the internet for quite literally pointless likes/hearts/stars.

Pointless death as a result of one of the more pointless trends of my lifetime.

That is a remarkably stupid idea.

Since apparently I have to spell it out explicitly for the slow learners, here’s a real world example. Last year I bought a 2020 Sienna for ~$40K.

“”you have to have the ability to pay cash to be able to “afford” it””

I can deduct all the cost of my lease payment on taxes and don’t have to worry about the residual value and other taxes, this is one used for business


It’s not making less sense that buying if you plan to sell it after 3-4 years.

Oh my god shut the fuck up.

haha what ?

If you can’t afford to pay cash, you can’t afford that car.

This is really bad advice.

But you can give those people reasonable advice without giving information that is blatantly false.

Dave Ramsey is a stinking pile of shit and his show is for entertainment value only. He peddles basic financial advice like “spend less than you make” and has very limited understanding of financial planning. Ramsey works the church crowd because some churches get a kickback on fees. He is a quasi-televangelist. I’d