
No, you’re living in a van.

This blog should be retitled “Cuckold Man”.

Cattle like clean lovers.

I think the last time I saw one was in a downtown Vegas casino a long time ago. But people were lined up 3 deep to get on the table. I'm thinking it was a loss leader for the house, people come there to play, can't get on the table and go to another game where the house takes their paycheck.

I didn’t say you’d win, I said you would “increase” your winning percentage to 94.7%, the same exact % as on every other bet on the table all day long. The house advantage on roulette is 5.26% no matter what you bet on or how much.

True, but I can't remember thenlastntime I saw a single O roulette wheel.

Playing perfect basic strategy in black jack leaves the house with a 5.4% advantage. Anyone who plays blackjack and doesn't play at least basic strategy might as well mail their paycheck to the casino.

This how you play craps.

There is no way to change the odds at a roulette table.

Sorry, you don't know shit.

It's a venereal wart. You ate the wrong bitch.

Many are called, few are chosen.

I'm wondering when any of these articles will show up in Jezebel.

Why move in with her when you can fuck her without having to put up with her bullshit 24/7?

Methinks the ladies doth protest too much.

Thank you for this. I lay awake at night tossing and turning over your weight problems.

So he hit on her, big fucking deal.

In all the gawker articles about this incident not one actually discusses why these boobs are doing this.

While the rest of gawker media has lost 25-50% of its traffic in 2015, deadspunk is the only one to have held onto most of its readers.

That was deep...let me think about for few...