
I hope they take a moment to address whatever happened to Bruce Wayne’s parents.

I love this movie so much. Frank Langella steals every scene he’s in.

I was just about to write that Samira Wiley needs to guest star as Malik’s long-lost sister...turns out they are actually related (she’s his aunt!). Since This Is Us does fake-related-casting better than anyone, I hope they make this happen with actually-related actors!

R.I.P. - this show now inhabits the same Fantasy realm as GRRMs mythical “pages”

Why are they riding horses?!

I love you, I do, I just wonder if — I wonder if the sad I’d be without you would be less than the sad I get from being with you.”

Jason is clearly Jon Snow. Neither of them really understands what’s going on, and they have a higher-than-average chance of accidentally winding up sleeping with their aunt.

Is Omundson the first of the Galavant cast Fogelman has brought over to this show? I haven’t watched in a while.

In next week’s preview, we see the young Beth, and I have to wonder: are we sure Ang Lee hasn’t been called into this show with his de-aging team? Every time I see the young Beth actress, I think the show literally has traveled through time. This Is Us has the crackerjackiest casting crew, bar none.

Loved the reveal that Omundson wasn’t just a random asshole for Kate to defeat and be the most precious perfect person ever, like this show definitely would have done in the first couple seasons. They’ve definitely gotten more self-aware about that kind of thing, and I’m hoping to see more of him.

And in Howard’s End, where he played old, dense and stuffy and still kept the hotness on simmer.

The only thing in this episode of hostage situations and damning Senate hearings that actually made me put my hands to my face was the Incredibly Embarassing Pep-talk that Roman gave to the sports team he accidently bought.

The second Greg/ory/ pulls those papers is the second Logan releases the Attack Children!

Imagine how satisfied he was with himself for thinking of that lol

I think this is the series’ highpoint. So much of what has been brewing since the first season came to a head this Sunday. This episode pushed the tragicomic theme of the show further than ever before. And, as always, the acting was phenomenal. In particular, Matthew Macfadyen, who fucking killed it this episode. His

For me, the line of the night was Greg’s “And maybe just try to enjoy it,” to Tom before he goes in to testify.

Matthew Mcfadyen, ladies and gentlemen. Drink it in! Drink. It. In.

I hate Nate. My Ma hates Nate. Seriously, Nate looks just like B. J. Novak and acts just like Ryan in The Office, but without the hilariously misplaced confidence and blatantly put-upon persona. Nate just sucks.