
Did Watchmen not make the cut under Globe’s eligibility rules or something??

Greg told Kendall about the docs in s1e10 when he advised Ken he should keep Greg on his side since he has incriminating evidence of the cruise coverup.

I could totally see Charlize doing it too, considering she’s also a producer on the show I believe.

GoT better not win a single directing award ugh.

Well if you consider all the big houses are gone or withered down for the most part (Martells, Tyrells definitely) it makes sense to promote other houses to prominence and higher stature. Houses Arryn, Stark, Greyjoy and Tully are the only big houses left so to speak and I guess House Lannister if you count Tyrion

IIRC Cersei used the money to pay off the Iron Bank and buy the Golden Company.

FWIW: Davos was briefly hand of the King to Stannis so he does advise wisely (whether the monarch listens is debatable as with Stannis)

Oh why’s that? Tom Cruise I can see... what did Hugh Jackman do? Did he take Wolverine from him?

well there is a season 2 and the showrunners have said they definitely have people for that coming up.

IDK how Aladdin will turn out to be but the guy just sounds like him. Looks like him as much as a living person can I suppose. I have to say they might just be getting my money based solely on the ‘Do you trust me’ scene.

As glad as I was to see this roach die, I’m going to miss his evil pervy skulking and saying Sansa like Shansha.

they’ve always made a ridiculously attractive couple in their movies (whether they ever end up happily together in them or not pfft), but man real life took that beautiful  SLB movie aesthetic they’ve always had and trashed it with how much more beautiful and happy they look IRL.


Ranveer and Deepika’s wedding was gorgeous and they genuinely looked like they were the happiest couple ever and in love. (Really the way he looks at her.. *swoon*)

Didn’t Lucifer get picked up by Netflix? Would make for some fun cross promotion...

He’s like Luna Lovegood’s grandfather in law or something if I recall correctly because she married his grandson.

I mean Aurelius Dumbledore has to be a fakeout because there was 0 mention of him in Potterverse and I honestly can’t think of any reason to exclude him from it (other then well he didn’t exist in JKR’s mind yet of course). Watch his identity change again, and he’s going to be Merope Gaunt’s discarded twin brother and

s1 is an anomaly. s2 onwards, this is easily the best show in the arrowverse.

The funny thing being kids all getting on Instagram, which is Facebook owned. So much for less invasive sadly. I know Snapchat sort of fell out of favor, and had its actual stock prices affected when one of the Kardashian’s hemhawwed about a recent Snapchat update making her user experience less fun.

in Salem yes, think that was the case when the Legends were all interspersed throughout history at one point.