
The most obvious target is the cart-before-the-horse problem of shoehorning a Larger Continuity (Prodigium) into the middle of a movie and expect people to care. Marvel did it right almost inadvertently: by inventing the post-credits scene, they created a separate space for the connective tissue. After the movie is

Pfft. I’d much rather have seen Brendan Fraiser’s “The Mummy” be the original of a Universal “monster” universe. (The sequels... eh...) It was campy, clever and a lot of fun and could have been something very cinematic with similar takes on other Universal monsters.

Frasier and Weiss were charming enough that I found the second one pretty tolerable, though speaking of wrenchingly bad CGI, the Rock’s “cameo” as the Scorpion King was embarrassingly shoddy looking. The first one was legit good though.

I’m still amazed by how good the Lord of the Rings movies look after 20 years. Some of that is due to a heavy reliance on practical effects, but I defy you to tell me (without talking about its wings) that we could make a better Balrog today. Some of Legolas’s CGI “stunts” don’t look awesome (nor did they really even

As a fan of the 1999 Fraser film (the less said about its very stupid sequels, the better), one of the key ingredients is that it is legit creepy at times. The CG Imhotep while in the throes of regeneration looked silly even back then, but the film had a lot of fun with Indiana Jones-style booby traps and whatnot

There was beautiful Castlevania-ish imagery in Dracula but man it sucked. 

Counter Theory: The PARK was the real world. The only humans left are the guests. On the outside, it’s all android replacements with their original’s memories implanted, but they don’t know it.  Yet.

Baby chokes on food and is then saved by father. Father then proceeds to sit him down with a bunch of CHOKING HAZARDS and plays with them.

I mean, 1917 kind of deserved Best Visual Effects since they managed stitch together everything to make it look like it was all one long take. That takes a lot of work and a lot of innovation.

Losing out on Star Wars is a huge loss. And that Netflix deal I promise you has the same outs for Netflix that Disney and HBO had. Their names are tainted now because they are greedy fucks. They rushed GoT to get to Star Wars and it’s cost them. May it continue to cost them. 

Yeah, never underestimate the power of white dudes failing up in Hollywood. They’ll be all right.

Yeah I don’t see how making the ending three 2-3 hours movies instead of a 7 hour season was going to make it any better, as the main issue didn’t appear to be budget but time. The show needed another season with separating out the Long Night arc from the Mad Queen arc. All indications was that HBO would’ve gladly

Ezra’s such a mensch, he probably did it for per diem. He loves being the Flash and seems really committed. The conversation was probably along the lines of:

When did you last watch the movies? Aquaman is pretty fun all around. Same with Shazam. Wonder Woman is 85% fun. justice league is like 30% fun. We won’t talk about batman v superman or man of steel. (I mean I liked man of steel, but that took itself SUPER seriously) (ha, see what I did there? lulz)

a secret organization... gives its most valuable prisoner... A TABLET WITH WIFI... AND THE WIFI PASSWORD IS “DRACULA”

Moffat and Gatiss did so many good things with this adaptation — introducing a kick ass nun named Van Helsing, some clever stuff in Castle Dracula, and all the previously unexplored drama aboard the Demeter. They even did a time jump that was brilliant. And then they threw it all away: Drac was a deserter, his

John Boyega on Twitter, Dec 31st, 2019" is the energy that I am taking into 2020.

These guys getting to do Lovecraft but not Del Toro is a crime

Maybe they are going to recruit Old Man Oliver to take his Earth 1 counterpart’s place on the team?

1) It’s the first trailer for Ghostbusters: Afterlife