
This confirms it. We’re getting Lady Stoneheart.

I enjoy calling it "the Academy Award-winning Suicide Squad" to really twist the knife.

Some people might ask which movie you mean but I’m going to take it as “all of them.”

Isn’t that Jamie and Cersei scene kind of the exact thing they did in the sept that caused so much controversy?

Everyone’s all “Bad CG Genie,” but I’m here thinking, “Why is Jafar young?”


I just blue myself 

Jimmy Smits never ages so he can always play that character!

Who are those platinum haired ladies next to them? Are those his witches he uses to maintain his powers or the one’s that are there to drag him to hell once his bargain with the Devil is complete?

I love Lebron saying how it doesn’t matter who gets picked last as they’re all all-stars. That sure is easy for him to say. I guarantee the face of James Harden continuously getting passed up would prove him wrong.

couldn’t agree more. it’s not the real thing unless we get to see the contorted faces of players who are mad they didn’t get picked first.

Some would.

He’s literally right there. The one in the middle with the Rams uniform on. You’re welcome.

No mention of Anthony Rapp having been in the original Rent cast? Kind of a big link you missed there.

What bugs me is this insistence that you HAVE to like it.”

Looking forward to the ‘Bruce explains gut biomes to Ant-Man’ segment.

Come on fam you are too big to be crying like that...

Rudy got interviewed for a feature while getting a pedicure and has a lightning bolt etched into his hair. He doesn’t give a fuck what Ballkicker & Permanent Veteran’s Minimum Injury Insurance Claim thinks.

He’s got the best win shares in the league, lost a spot to Russ’s bricks, and missed out a bonus that’s 46% of

This dumb dumb team. This goddamn Fyre Festival of a sports franchise.