
Ben Affleck could have been The Batman. There were sparks of greatness there in BvS and Justice Leage but script, story and studio meddling ruined any chances he might have had.

I'd be fine with Jai Courtney coming back as boomerang guy. He was fun in the role and I could see him shining under Gunn's direction. 

Because she’s really talented, and insanely pretty to boot.

One gets the idea that Stallone would want to cast Stallone as a very juiced and botoxed Edgar Allen Poe.

After all those Youtube clips about Australian wildlife, the existence of a Australian spider-man is highly unrealistic (in M[C]U). He would have died of the bite before getting powers.

You call that a web?

2 strongly disagrees.

John didn’t have to go on a murder spree over a dog

Can you imagine... Donna meets Graham?

Darnit Disney, stop being cowards and give us this in live action:

I’m fine with that. Although those are some mighty effects going on. Sort of feel like Dr. Strange should be in on this.

Looks like Mysterio is pulling a Syndrome (creating crises to make himself look like the hero).


So your saying there is something other then the spider family I should be scared shitless of? Thanks.

I think that is larger then I am comfortable with.

My only reaction.

The real April Fool’s joke is that the poster shows them wearing their superhero outfits that they don’t ever bother with anymore on the show.


April is gonna be epic between this, Game of Thrones, Shazam, and Avengers: Endgame!

Ugh....too long. But I’ll take a long wait over cancellation any day.