
He spoke like Sean Connery. A lot of his words had the shh sound in front of them lol.


For sure. Titans is way better than expected. I believe it was Angry Comic Geek that has brought up Robin is way darker than he should be and that is true but Titans has been strong. Very excited for Young Justice coming back and Doom Patrol’s debut.

Easy to focus on revenge when you’re not worried about the ‘Zards, ‘Tics, or making the ‘yoffs

You must not have seen Thor: Ragnarok. Or Infinity War. Or Ghostbusters. Or Rush. 

It is pretty good to see Thor and Val back together. Plus, the hammer was a nice little touch. 

That photo is amazing.

Andy Serkis is so wonderful. He’s an international treasure. I love this (well, I mean, I hate the political situation the UK is in, but this is great).

Clearly their weakness is sunny weather, shouldn’t be a problem. Really looks fun though. Gidorah is a beast. 

So... Bumblebee currently has a Rotten Tomatoes score of 100%. I’m sure that’ll change over time, but goddamn I never thought I would see the day a Transformers movie managed to even break even 60%.

I want Luis recaps of every movie. I’d happily watch a Youtube channel of Luis explaining Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and every other movie as it comes out.

What if...

they better have Luis recounting the whole mess at some poing

it got hit with piece of the moon that Thanos threw at Iron Man? 

Avengers: Endgame?!

Is Tony Stark on the Milano? At least he can listen to Starlords Tapes as he slowly dies of oxygen deprivation 

Welcome to downfall of humanity 101. Please open your books to chapter 1.

I literally used to work for Entertainment Weekly.