
No other DC show can top the pure joy and batshit insanity of this one. I haven’t followed any of the other DC shows since midseason hiatus of last year, but LoT is the one show I came back to and am thankful to TPTB that its still on air and not cancelled.

He’s relatively young looking for his age, but unless they age up the characters he will no longer pass for a 15 year old...

I’m wondering how hard it will be for the live action actor to portray Zuko, when cartoon!Zuko is such an iconic role.

He’s always gonna be Prince Zuko to me, more than Rufio. He was really great in that role(Voice acting isn’t easy I’m sure, and a lot of nuance goes into it).

You’re right she was probably cursed. Likely now that you mention it, she’ll be a tragic character and we’ll be forced to not hate on Nagini and instead feel bad at her fate.

Wait. What. When did this happen?

I had such low expectations for the first one, that it ended up surprising me and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. So now that I’m actually excited for this one, it’s going to disappoint me isn’t it?

I loved s1-4, and am actually a big fan of s6 (The s6 finale easily has my favorite GoT sequence with the Sept of Baelor scenes)

just like Peter Dinklage will win again for his final run as Tyrion in s8, whether he is dialing it in or not. (I rather hope he deserves his final win)

They gave it to Claire Foy on her last season too, since Olivia Colman is replacing her as the Queen for the next two seasons.

I love Game of Thrones but s7 is one of it’s worst seasons (marginally better than s5 due to shit actually happening in s7 + action, as opposed to s5 which was a borefest with the exception of Hardhome)

I think the ghosts in the third pic are the floating orbs in the photo.

Chiming in with everyone else to say absolutely watch s2 and 3.

I don’t know if Newt’s an orphan, but man now I hope he is just so this post proves correct about Dumbledore’s methodology.

watch them replace it with Vada Pav; and honestly it would make total sense.

I love the little bit where Ray and Nate are giving a thumbs up to Amaya in the background, after they agree to being knocked down by her to sell the story of the Dread Pirate Jiwe.

she’s more than awesome as an actress, but man Amy Adams’ resemblance to young Beverly is undeniable and I’m sad they aren’t courting her for this. Considering Sophia Lilis is playing a younger version of an Amy Adams character for some HBO show or movie.

Did anyone pick up on the letter being almost verbatim to a letter that real life serial killer/cannibal Albert Fish wrote to the mother of one of his victims?

From what I understand he hated having to be king when his brother abdicated the throne; he was quite happy being the younger son and having a family of his own and never having to worry about the monarchy.

Natalie Dormer bears a striking resemblance to young Diana Rigg fwiw.