
I personally loved it and am mad we’re not getting a sequel.

Barring future season best work from the cast, this episode needs to be the sizzle reel they send for their considerations for the future Emmy awards (Globes too? Probably not, though I’m unsure what season of This is Us Sterling won for?)

it probably has to do what Riverdale did over summer with people streaming it on Netflix and double it’s regular ratings for season 2.

They should have just aired all the LoT eps and then aired Supergirl. Or vice versa. Or better yet cancel one of their other struggling shows and give that timeslot to Supergirl or LoT.

re: LoT, everyone wants Constantine, but it’s likely going to be Wally West.

I’ve been wanting Jon Hamm as Batman for a while now; he always somehow is exactly what I imagined an older Bruce Wayne to look like. He can be plenty menacing when he wants to be (thanks Baby Driver). I’m all for this recast. Flashpoint could maybe explain it away. They need to get a director for that movie and then

I laughed out loud with Ray’s lines through Beebo. It’s such a Ray thing to do.

Felicity makes the social faux pas of saying Iris is “glowing,” something Caitlin rightfully points out is a term saved for pregnant women.

I don’t stan for DC but JL was not terrible. It was fun even when it worked. I would recommend checking it out during a matinee or something.

however much they are messing up the DCEU, they are definitely doing things right this year on DCTV. (LoT especially)

idk I can see The Flash getting his movie. People seemed to be genuinely liking Ezra Miller in the role.

I liked the movie. I went in with super low expectations, but a part of me had been waiting so long to see these guys fight together in live action, it allowed me to take the joys in the small things that worked well, more than fume about what didn’t (A lot didn’t of course).

I watched Thor Ragnarok opening night (Thursday night technically) with my MoviePass, had no issues. Got there a little earlier because I wanted good-ish seats. Which I got.

yeah that’s what people are mentioning, did not know that bit. Did they ever release it in the DVD or Bluray or something?

hey that’s cool, Jacob’s one of the best things about the first movie. Resemble him in all the ways I say!

well we already know what happens to Grindelwald so..

He’s also in some financial deep shit with his managers and agents and last I read they were trying to take away five of his houses.

At the end right before Newt is releasing the Thunderbird there’s a small wisp floating away that’s indicated to be Credence slinking/floating out, unawares to all but Newt cos he’s definitely intently staring at it and thus so does the audience.

Tina got a much needed haircut. This bob suits her better.

*Luke Hemsworth