
the answer is different and separate movie and tv universes because they pretty much refuse to acknowledge Batman in the TV verse, because acknowledging means having to show him and he’s their biggest money making property and so they won’t waste him on TV appearances. Same was thought to be the case for Superman, but

Re: Aladdin, I love Tom Hardy but no. Nope.

when was he in Westworld?

Didn’t she tell Bruce at the end of BVS that a hundred years ago she stepped away from the battles of men. 2016 BVS = WW1 being roughly the timeframe she is referring to. Meaning.. she sat WW2 out? :/ That’s.. strange. Why wouldn’t Diana have gotten involved in WW2.. what has she been doing in the world of man for 100

I teared up from the moment little Diana was trying to learn how to fight with proud auntie Antiope watching her.

this is the first Netflix cancellation that’s truly pissing me off.

put him on a ship with the Legends so he can annoy Sara and bro out with Nate and Ray I say. and yes Earth 1 Mon-El would be fantastic.

I’m sorry I’m in the minority that absolutely bought into the Mon-El/Kara thing, and I blame that entirely on Chris Wood and Melissa Benoist’s chemistry (which apparently rubbed off off screen too so how was I supposed to be immune?)

ugh. Well if they don’t include her as a proper character in this one that’ll be a problem.

that was maybe my biggest complaint. How do you cast Gwendoline -Brienne of Freaking Tarth- Christie and underuse her badassery like that?

nah that’s what the DQ was for. Can’t do both Krispy Kreme and DQ.

Legitimately mad about this. I really liked the movie despite it’s flaws. It was more pro than con for me. The cast was great.

So Crystal is the Avatar?

sorry got distracted by the amount of delicious looking chinese food on the table at the end there.

can’t we pretend Johnny Depp was another polyjuiced idenitity and make RDJ the final real Grindlewald form or something :<

He’s not dead from what I remember. Isn’t he just languishing in Argus’ prison?

Legends s2 has left some mighty finale shoes for Arrow, Supergirl and The Flash to match up to, for this TV year.

I guess they are treating Torchwood separate from Doctor Who.. which is yeah silly considering the relationship between the two.

I mean I love all three of them (in the case of the Rose iteration, I loved Micky and Jack more than Rose) but at least to me it felt like they were not the ‘main’ companion as it were.

I think the term ‘companion’ is being specified to main companion in the vein of Rose, Martha, Donna,etc.