
i am like 90% sure my arachnophobia came from watching It when I was like 3 or 4...

this year has been an anomaly then between Logan and BATB and even Split doing good business for it’s budget

Just keeping my fingers crossed then for Stannis’ non involvement

Cavill is charming af. Snyder pulled off the impossible trick of making him boring and dour. Just watch Man from U.N.C.L.E if you want an example of how charming Cavill can be.

It’s been a few years since I read the books, but I remember him expressing sorrow or regret about killing Renly, but it was something that had to be done because Renly was an Usurper. Not that it’s really acceptable by normal standards and human decency, but it fits in with Stannis’ code of duty/law over what is

I keep thinking she’d be a good candidate for Disney’s live action TLM. She has that adorable quality Ariel always had and she can sing (a complaint much repeated about Emma Watson being Belle that she cannot sing)

Now if they can license some Disney songs for the next crossover musical (surely there will be more?!) I’m set. Though I imagine Disney will be hoarding those for their OUAT musical episode on ABC :(

why not Jake Gyllenhal? He’s in this movie too right (and barring his death in it...)

Just watch the last 3 or 4 eps of s1 (the last two of which were REALLY good... the upswing for this show started on those two eps really)

what’s Jon Hamm doing these days, He looks like an older Bruce Wayne to me. (Can he act? Didn’t he win awards for Mad Men?)

this. Snyder has done the biggest disservice to Cavill. He’s always been super (pun not intended) charming (The Tudors and Man from U.N.C.L.E are a testament to this)

I’d love to see him direct Superman but.. wouldn’t he be a better fit for The Flash?

100% this. Bryan Singer ruined X-Men again. I wasn’t even that big a fan of DOFP. But First Class was a fantastic reboot after the hell that was The Last Stand.

i love Emma but from what little I’ve seen or heard.. i think Belle was miscast...

needed this laugh after my morning physical therapy session

funny you say that cos I think the La La Land guys are involved with the music aspect of this, as is Rachel Bloom.

Rogue One had a nomination for special effects I believe. So it was very much within Oscar nomination cutoff time.

episodes 3 and 4 are growing on me tbh. I also did not like episode 2.

You should watch Misfits. He was Simon to me before he was Ramsay

Betty caved into Archie pressure. Which I agree was messed up.