
fuck official Riverdale twitter ew.

Good things do happen. Those headlines are kinda hyperbole really. The crying comes from the feels, not necessarily from sad feels only.

I feel terrible admitting this but when I heard she was divorcing her husband one of my eventual thoughts were ‘Gee I wonder if Chris Wood is single...’

I totally could go either Mon/Kara or Lena/Kara, but Chris Wood and Melissa do have adorable chemistry together, and Katie McGrath can have chemistry with a piece of wood even, so no issues here. I do like Mon El more than I thought I would and that is credit exclusively to Chris Wood. He could have been an annoying

Now playing

See it’s not so much that Thor is uninteresting to me...

He was actually pretty good in Ghostbusters.

Just wondering here but is it impossible that Luke did a jedi mind wipe on Han and Leia to make them forget they had a daughter for her safety and then dumped her on that planet?

(The double-standard is reinforced by the way Archie’s relationship with a teacher is presented in a mostly positive way rather than the clear case of an adult taking advantage of a kid that it is.)

wait Nikolaj’s on this show too?

Rory would be great. He was amazing on Penny Dreadful

she has her own show on CW and it’s a musical.

stfg this and supergirl and the BATB trailer were the only three things that gave me some semblance of joy yesterday. The fact that 15 years later they still have impromptu get togethers while working on different projects makes me happy.

The whole season’s been fun. I’d highly rec it.

LoT is my fave show right now, next to Supergirl.

I think Isabelle Huppert did a great acting job that had her shortlisted (and even upsetting Portman at the Globes). But yes I too read the synopsis and went ‘wtf?!’

Released in 2017, so no didn’t make the cut. It had a showing/screening at something called Fantastic Fest in 2016, but I guess that doesn’t let it qualify?

I much preferred How Far I’ll Go to Audition from La La Land. I really hope he wins it.

Ruth Negga got the nod, not Amy.

She didn’t get nominated,the list is wrong.

I don’t get how Arrival gets so many nominations but NOT for Amy Adams??