Nice try. You Drumpf supporters are like chameleons. First you say herto is normal in America then you say Drumpf isn’t getting elected. Gotta get up earlier to fool this bird, worm.
Nice try. You Drumpf supporters are like chameleons. First you say herto is normal in America then you say Drumpf isn’t getting elected. Gotta get up earlier to fool this bird, worm.
Enjoy the next two years because Drumpf will NOT be reelected.
Fact. Whenever Lizzy or Hills is mentioned either here or on Jez or about a dozen other sites I get a notification on my smartphone. Then I will rush to my desktop and copy/paste one of a few pre-written short stories into the comment box, say a little prayer, cross my fingers, and wait in silence constantly…
Agreed, upvoted, liked, and shared. Obamacare was very legit, but it wasn’t as good as it could be. Hey that’s what progress is all about right? Making things better, slowly and over time. Never settling and always knowing in our heart that tomorrow will be better than today. Just think about how true that be.
Heterosexuality hasn’t been normal since 2013. Wait are you not American? Probably not. Lucky you I guess.
“learn...” <— undercover compliment
I never thought he was funny. You thought he was funny? Yikes... he’s funny in the way a healthy meal is funny.
I don’t know. Who cares? 2018 is almost in the books. Let’s dance.
Sitting here trying to figure out how to respond to this comment. These are the worst comments, the complaints. Just say anything but this so I can respond to you, otherwise I’m just sitting here figuring out what the hell to do with this and that greatly increases your chances of not getting a response.
I’m trying to empathize. My New Year’s resolution is to empathize more often and more effectively.
What a moron. Even so, I kind of feel for Hillary. She’s got to be livid. Lizzy W is going to make a run for first girl president after Hills failed twice at the same. What if Lizzy wins? Obviously won’t happen but let’s entertain the thought. Lizzy wins, becomes the first Native American prezzy and the first girl…
That sounds really fun. You do run the risk of dismissing not-trolls though, unless you’ve got a finely-tuned trolldar. I don’t think you have that though
95% of cats are bought from pet stores. 2% of dogs are bought from pet stores.
I buy mouses there all the time.
I didn’t say I was going away. I said I wasn’t going to comment here anymore for the rest of 2018 and also said my New Year’s resolution will be to never use Kinja again. What’s your resolution?
2018 was the year that even Trump supporters - thicc as they are - began to realize what a horrendous and truly embarrassing mistake they have made. The president has no support, no achievements, has done nothing but play golf, has destroyed the stock market, has destroyed our reputation overseas, has sullied the…
Bringing the troops home was a bad idea. They need to be there to protect our greatest ally.
This is correct. I feed off negative attention because of a traumatic experience early in my life. I think of it every day. I can’t not. I was only 14 years old god dammit I was too young!
After 8 years of promoting this crisis through lax regulations on pharma, it’s fantastic that Trump is doing something about this. Bipartisan solutions to shared problems. America the beautiful.