Hey now this is pretty cool. Back in the day when we wondered what technology would bring us in the future this was exactly what I asked for. Nice.
Well Scott, I kind of hope that doesn’t happen but if Fate has such an incident up her sleeve well, I hope that neither I nor the booze hound get injured and that we all learn a proper lesson from the event. A lesson that will benefit us in 2019 and beyond!
Alright everyone this is my last comment of 2018 so I’ll make it a good one hopefully. Literally thanks for a great year of stories and comments and everything! Been a great year and I think you guys learned a lot of stuff that will be good to know in 2019 which will be an even better year than this one if you can…
Actually, federal governments exist to fight other governments.
And childish.
How did Don Jr get to where he is today when he can’t even talk normal?
Bernie would have won, and had he won Brett K wouldn’t be an issue. Maybe time for some self-reflection so this doesn’t happen again.
All of that stuff sounds horrible. A can of Coke? Think of the sugar pouring into your stomach and ask if your body is saying thank you? Instant Noodles? A bacon egg and cheese sandwich from a 711? These tips are probably lethal for most readers.
I wonder what happens in Nicaragua. Anybody know? Does anybody know what happens in Nicaragua?
Thanks you too
This was teh article that changed everything for me. I used to think that Trump was just some goof up there, making hay and doing celebrity stuff as president. Now I realize just how wrong I was to think that. And not just wrong, but very wrong.
Well eyah but also too trusting sometimes as well. Never thought Hillary would cheat Bernie just to be president.
And Bernie
This is the probelm with anonymity on the internet. No idea if what you say is true.
Just saying that to keep it in mind when they write articles like this because Hillary’s running again too so we should be aware of there tricks this time.
Bernie lost too.
Oh damn your right.
Nice try. You Drumpf supporters are like chameleons. First you say herto is normal in America then you say Drumpf isn’t getting elected. Gotta get up earlier to fool this bird, worm.
Enjoy the next two years because Drumpf will NOT be reelected.