Happy New Year Splinterfaces!

One of the best things things about 2016 (aside from everyone shitting on Ted Cruz) was the socialist seeing votes he earned being given to someone who didn’t earn them.  

I hope you get hit by a drunk driver, tomato. 

Pathetic and cruel. Just like the GOP. 

love your optimism dude.

Oh damn your right.  

I’m trying to empathize.  My New Year’s resolution is to empathize more often and more effectively. 

Liz Warren has a very punchable face, second only to Donald Jr.

I hope this is the year you OD on opioids. 

OF course by starring your comment, I bring tomato out of the grey. 

You literally just said the last one would be your last for the year. If I can’t trust the word of internet trolls anymore, who the hell can I trust?

Please do it. It never wins votes. Voters will hate you in 2020. Of course, you dummies are too butthurt over 2016 to care. You follow CNN which is regularly putting out fake news and frequently beaten by Ancient Alien reruns. CNN is owned by corporate oligarchs, but reeeeeee Trump! 

You don’t watch enough hockey then...

Trump never has a point. Take that back immediately.

Now this is advanced trolling. 

You should buy things for these children. They feel better and you feel better. Everybody wins.

Calm down with the “oh poor me”. Calling out an over hyped newby isn’t at all standing on her neck.  It’s standard political procedure.  If she can’t take the heat...

All else aside, you kind of undercut yourself by putting these two consecutively:

Two important reminders to everyone: