
Thats not even acoustic guitar, thats a freaking ukulele... which just makes it that much worse. 

Where are you seeing them tell testers to say good things about the game? from what I’ve read this is sounds like a pretty typical NDA, and this game is far from the first game to impose bans from the full release for violating it.

I don’t think this would actually help all that much with hand cramping, as although the unit itself is longer the button positions remain pretty much the same relative to the edges. At least for me, button position is the main contributing factor to hand cramping. 

can the virtue signalling be any harder? 

I can 100% tell the difference between 30 and 60. 30FPS can actually make me sick, but I don’t need more than 60 for an enjoyable experience. Frame stability is also something that can make me sick, so it needs to be a somewhat stable frame rate between 45 - 60 or I just can’t play it. Even instant jumps between

You aren’t going to see any less bards because you cannot be playing a song and be afk at the same time. Sure you can set the song to play on loop and be afk as its playing. But the actual act of your character playing music cant trigger afk, because as far as the game knows you are still pressing the note buttons on

when you don’t pronounce anything, all words rhyme.

Not only is this writer too retarded to count to 8, the only way you would miss these “details” is if you were retarded. Which I guess is why this idiot wrote this article.

Are you joking? Eating is one of the most important, and tedious aspects of the game. 

That looks pretty dang horrible, but I feel like with some minor edits this could have been alright.

epic sees no irony about this at all? if they want to fight against making apps exclusive to specific store fronts they should start with their own. what a joke.

This reads like it was written by a very disgruntled furry.

They should have included m/kb icons for sure but saying the m/kb is unusable because it doesn’t include them is a stretch. If you have a memory stronger than a goldfish it is pretty easy to remember which buttons correspond to which controller inputs, especially if you rebound them yourself. The optimization also

Cloaca is also the name for the single-purpose orifice that serves as the urinary, digestive, and reproductive system opening in birds, amphibians, reptiles, and some mammals.

its a very good animation but it just doesn’t do it justice just how many attacks in a row that Ken perfect blocked. The animation really should have been 3-4x as long.

I got one of these at good will 3 years ago for 10$ 

I don’t know who would want to watch 4 hours of a Snyder DC movie. He’s already proven he can’t do any better than what we already got. It will just be a different (and apparently a much longer) kind of bad.

“We’ve done everything possible to make this process smooth and player-friendly,” you know.. aside from not selling out to epic and sony. Between the shitty epic store exclusivity and the shitty psvr exclusivity, Fuckem.

Love how “journalists” like this can’t see past their own living room at the insane next gen console shortage. Most people who want one don’t have one yet and likely wont have one for a long time still. The “last generation” is still the current gen if you poked your head out of your own ass for a minute and stopped

God forbid we get to experience the game for ourselves when it actually comes out and we get to play. By all means, put features in a gif directly into the header image so we have to see it whether we want to or not. We get it, you get to play shit before we do, and you have to make sure people know that.