
I actually like this new face so much better. I never liked the old face at all, it looks lumpy and gross. Now he looks like an actual human. 

meanwhile in call of duty “We need 200+ gigs for a battle royale..” 

Did you just assume hellhogs gender?

As awesome as this is, that really sucks that survival is locked behind 3 players.

lol Fuck epic, suddenly it has a problem with this shit when it happens to them, but they have no issue using their fortnight money to suck up third party exclusives for themselves. 

Looks like someone vomited all over the front page. Complete clusterfuck. 

Why should anyone care?

I feel like you are doing a lot of projecting on characters that were not intended for you to be making this assumptions about. You are classifying any character without a specified gender as a “non-binary” character instead of the actuality of the character’s gender not mattering. Believe it or not there is a

Xbox has been doing this stupid shit for years. At every e3 they would follow every game they showed with the word “EXCLUSIVE” even when the game had already been out for a year on PC. Xbox has never understood the meaning of the word and nothing is different this year.

There it is. There is the kotaku commentor. 

I’m sure in between making art, this guy wants nothing more than to steal land and murder indigenous peoples. You are really going to lump stereotype a single person just cause they live somewhere you don’t like? Oh wait, this is kotaku. 

I really loved this game, and am really tempted to get it again now that its coming to my preferred platform. If anything I might even enjoy it more actually being able to aim now.

You think a gimped apple exclusive is the sequel this game deserves?

That said they do have a point at the end. If ANY article ever used the phrase “why do black people...” they would get wrecked. Not that I give damn either way, but I’m not going to pretend they don’t have a point.

I don’t understand what people find so bad about these. Its one of my favorite activities. I never knew everyone thought they were so bad because I love any activity involving skydiving and parachuting in this game. 

I thought I was reading the onion for a minute. This is that stupid.

Is it not strange that Ubisoft has been taking preorders for this game since its announcement when the game doesn’t even exist under the same name anymore?

if they want to do business in a certain country they have to obey the laws of that country. Being a private company doesn’t give you the ability to make your own laws. You are free to create your own policies as long as they are within the limits of those laws though. 

i dunno what kids you know with that kind of money and patience. 

in more surprising news, water is wet and fire burns.