Trig Discipline

I think AV Club loves hearing that a beloved icon might not be a great person; it’s easy content and they don’t have to, like, think about movies

Daemon and Vaemond’s moment wasn’t scripted either. Matt Smith just saw a sword lying around and said why the fuck not?

It has nothing to do with homophobia or being gay. NOTHING. You have created out of thin air an entire character motivation that does not exist. 

That “random guy he just met” had just smugly informed him that he knew all about his greatest shame, and was willing to use that knowledge to his own advantage. He did not just bludgeon some random guy out of the blue.

Can you phone any of the former writers of the AV Club for some pointers?

Ser Criston is a knight of the Kingsguard. In canon,  he could easily kill a minor knight like Joffrey Lonmouth and get away with it, and literally does so in the book this is based on. Knights kill people all the time in this world. Not sure why no one seems to grasp that. Kingsguard are like knights x 10; they get

Bizarre that some people in the comments are calling it a homophobic attack, as well as people saying what happened is ‘problematic’.

As a gay man myself, I can’t believe this episode gets deduced to the death of a minor gay character on the show. The man got killed by Cole in the source material. Material which has consistently painted a clear picture of the position of women and LGBTQ+ people in its fictional universe - something that is at the

There is zero evidence Criston killing Joffrey has anything to do with homophobia. 

But a random guy he just met? I could see him maybe lashing out another of the Princess’s suitors, but this was just way too much of stretch, more lazy writing for shock value.

Author: “They did a ‘Bury Your Gays’! Shame! Shame!”

There are no moderators here. Here you will find only the damned.

I like how it’s all recap until a gay person dies, then it becomes critical analysis. 

True representation happens when diverse characters are actually normalized. This means sometimes they are good people and sometimes good things happen to them and sometimes the opposite is true. Handling minority representation with kid gloves, making arbitrary rules about what is and isn’t fair game for their

entire boats of sailors get fed to crabs for 3 episodes: “ . . .”

We saw an aggressive bris.

Yes, because the straight characters are never exposed to utter horrific tragedy. What is it you want, a celebration of homosexuality with a rainbow cake and legions of men in assless chaps all in a parade that would rival any San Fran affair?  The reality of most historical cultures is that they did NOT embrace such

Tell me again which one of John Gaunt’s descendants became a faceless assassin

Sorry I started reading this review. I didn’t want to know the history of LGBTQ characters on GOT. Anyone who is reading this knows the history. It’s sad that it’s true but I feel like it’s clouded your judgement on this show. Fine to note these things in the episode but don’t make it your entire review. I agree with

The wigs on this show continue to be terrible; Laenor’s dreads are a hate crime.