Trig Discipline

In my opinion Into The Spider-verse is the best by far, and quite possibly the best superhero movie ever made.  Great story and visually stunning, but above all just a joyous love letter for the source material that really gets at a spirit that none of the live action ones can touch.

Hey FYI you got the name of her debut album wrong.

Well it hadn’t occurred to me before, but now I’m wondering if I’m starring in a Cloverfield movie without realizing it.

I really wanted to like this show but I just found it unrelentingly depressing and about as entertaining as a trip to the dentist.  Its heart is in the right place but as a piece of television it was just awful.

I bought it earlier today and I’m on my third listen.  It’s just an amazing piece of work. Hard to pick a favorite track because it feels so much like one single thing.

Just yesterday I was telling people that a new Kanye album is always worth getting into even if you don’t like it because he’s always doing something new and interesting in terms of production.  This one is sounding like that streak has run its course.

Given the declining quality of the series over the preceding years I’d say they stayed perfectly on track with that sad shart of an ending.

Yeah exactly, this article is trying to have it both ways and it just comes off as incredibly hypocritical.

The Murderbot books are great, but the pricing for them is pretty crazy.  On Amazon they’re priced as full books, but with only one exception they top out at around 170 pages.  It comes out to over 60 bucks to read something like 1200 pages, which is pretty damn steep in comparison with other fiction.

I really enjoyed the new Ocean’s # movies, and went back to watch this one out of curiosity. It is just an incredibly boring and tedious vanity project, an order of magnitude less entertaining than any of the later movies.

Glad to see so much appreciation for Soderbergh’s Solaris in this thread.  It’s a criminally underrated movie.

Holy shit, THAT’s what happened to the El Paso Hot Button guy.  I saw him play in Norman like fifteen years ago and wondered why he wasn’t already famous.  If he’s half as good at making films as he was on stage I’m entirely here for it.

Now playing

And this recent halftime show for the Timberwolves. I can’t believe that it’s a thing that happened but it’s so fucking good.

just like my diiiiiiiiick


Finally got to see this last night. I really loved the original Train, but this one was just a massive step down.  It’s not just the ham-handed aping of Fury Road or the reliance on subpar CGI that sinks it; it’s the fact that the movie constantly requires all of its characters to do the dumbest possible thing to set

Will this be the season with the plot?

Yeah this looked super douchey butI thought maybe this was intended to be directed specifically to Trump himself, as a sort of snarky final “fuck you”.  That might be overly charitable, though.

Rejected was Hertzfeldt’s fifth film, not his first.  

Okay I watched it, and all but the last 15 minutes of it were pretty good. Sorkin just can’t keep himself from sorking, though, so it ends by putting a lot of not-historically-accurate words into the mouths of people who would have vehemently disagreed with what they are being made to say, and ends on a literal

My favorite memory was finding out that his name is actually short for Edible Van Halen.