
This post is mindless drivel from a drooling fanboy in mommy’s basement. As an owner of all systems last gen, I will categorically say that you, sir, are full of shit. The Xbox one is a powerful system that still does a great job at playing games that look nice and play well.

The article struck me as #controversy101, as in clickbait.

I mean, we can say that, but looking at game sales charts, the only PS exclusive in the top 10 of sales over the holiday season of 2021 is Spider Man Miles Morales. The rest are multi-platform or Nintendo Exclusive. For all of 2020, according to metacritic, of games with a 90 or higher score, 4 were PS exclusive (3

They bungled the launch, but came from behind and surpassed Sony on consumer friendliness a few years ago. MSFT messed up, but Sony just constantly has so much contempt for their customers.

It just seems... Unnecessary. The only two things they use to drag the One is that it had bad marketing at the beginning of the generation (which they course corrected on pretty damn fast), and because it maybe sounded like it struggles to play games that came out at the end of the life cycle, which always happens as

I liked my Xbox One X. It played glossy AAA games fine.

No kidding. The console that brought us GamePass “sucked”? This has been my primary gaming machine for the last 7 years. Between GamePass and Cloud Gaming, I’m in no hurry to update to the Series X.

Played Resident Evil 8 on the Xbox One X and experienced no problems. Have no idea where “Toward the end of its run, if you played a glossy AAA game, you could almost feel the thing wheezing under the pressure” came from.

Maybe you were trying to play on an original xbox?

Well, this is a stupid take.  

Even having been lucky enough to get an XSX near launch, I still quite miss the Xbox One’s HDMI pass-through and the ability to use Kinect for voice controls. So take your “Xbox One sucked,” turn it sideways, and cram it in your kiester.

What you are describing is a dialect. Consistent dialects are a sign of good writing, not bad. You not liking it doesn’t speak to the writing on the game, but your own personal preferences.

I know people that actually talk like that, so why is that a problem? TO make it makes the language more realistic.

Depends on what you run it on. Current gen console or PC? It’s honestly been a blast since day 1, despite a few bugs which were fixed almost a year ago.

Review inflating. CDPR has done nothing of substance to fix the game in all this time.

But let’s let them have this one.

I’ve had a couple moments over the last month or so where I’ve thought, “Wasn’t there a Diablo II remake recently? I only ever played the first one, but people really got deep into D2. Maybe I should check it out.”

I think Final Fantasy XIV is responsible for a bigger hit to WoW's numbers than New World. 

I think Blizzard has finally hit the same milestone that Bioware has: all of the original talent that made the studio great has long since left, and the current team just doesn’t have that same spark that made their earlier projects so incredible.

It’s a fun game and definitely has some depth to it but, man is this thing a straight up copy of smash down to the menus. With no voice work this feels low effort and will be best played on friend filled nostalgia nights.

If Smash and Nick All Stars were going to compete, Smash wins in a 3 stock