
Yeah, it’s cute to be like “Hey, it’s been 10 years since you didn’t give a fuck about the Wii U,” but I saw it, loved the idea of being able to play off-TV, got it at launch, and think Nintendo released some of the best iterations of some of their best series to date on the console. I guess rather than just say it’s

Leaving Skies of Arcadia off of a list of forgotten IPs is peak SEGA.

I think the crucial difference here is that games actually CAN be fixed now; in 1998 the broken game you bought on a console literally could never be fixed.... but there were still countless broken and incomplete games being sold during every generation of games up to now.

People making such bold predictions and being an asshole about it like you are here almost make me want to see VR fail just so you’ll be wrong; there is no need to be so condescending about this.

Same. I’d say the characters are simply wonderful, and I really liked how each main area kinda felt like its own massive dungeon that came BEFORE the actual dungeons. I’ll buy an HD port in a heartbeat.

I mean, maybe not, but I suspect this means last-gen versions of this game aren’t as likely as they would have been, right? I don’t know how far they got into them, but after disasters like Cyberpunk on last-gen, it’s hard to believe any game getting delayed into 2022 is going to bother with a release on base Xbox One.

Yeah, I have trouble believing there aren’t renders at Nintendo of Mario in this pose..... because it’s a basic standing pose. There’s literally NOTHING unique about it. What a weird level of arrogance to think Nintendo’s character designers aren’t capable of thinking of an image of Mario...... just standing there

I fail to see how addressing a mental health concern is “stupid-ass recommendation,” but you take care.

If you’re getting depressed because someone on the internet doesn’t agree with your take(s) on the necessity of anime boobs in a JRPG, I’d definitely recommend seeking out professional help.

That’s the spirit! Keep it up!

Well that was a needlessly short reply..... maybe next time. I’m sure you’ll change the world.

It’s probably for the better that we keep you busy with typing out these lengthy discussion posts, so by all means, keep at it.

I found the character designs in XC2 really off-putting—there’s a difference between sex, sexuality, and those being tacked on in a way that feels gratuitous and unnecessary. If you can’t tell the difference—or somehow don’t realize one exists—then you probably shouldn’t be dedicating this kind of energy to this

It just feels weird. But unlike movies, where a relatively low framerate is necessary to preserve that unique filmic quality, I’m convinced my discomfort with 60 fps in video games is a by-product of years getting by with less.

Wait.... if this is based on the Japanese re-release, then this version actually has rumble support in it? That’s pretty cool. At least that’s something that’s new to me.

Yeah, I always heard it as “King Bowser” or “Big Bowser.”

$70 plus microtransactions says you’re 100% correct.

Considering how disposable publishers see their developers, any attempt to unionize would likely lead to them simply throwing away everyone involved—the industry seems pretty cutthroat, and anything that puts a target on your back could destroy your livelihood.... so it’s not as simple as just “deciding” and then

Done and done!