
Arg! I’ve clearly been bested by the superior intellect! I should have guessed that I could never match wits with someone who can see through the smokescreens to the truth about the American Shadow Government—by your mastery of argument, I am vanquished! You win! I shall never again accuse a conspiracy theorist of

For how determined you are to make a “I never said that!” Argument, you’ve seemingly overlooked that I never said what you’re claiming I said. I never said being a conspiracy theorist makes you a racist—only that, from the outside, people hear you’re one of those, they won’t be shocked to hear you’re also the other.

You literally said:

I’m glad Ubisoft makes essentially one boring game with a thousand skins these days, because it makes not supporting their ever-increasing bullshit SO much easier.

I think that once you start suggesting that you think people not wanting to be murdered by government-sanctioned organizations for the color of their skin could be part of a conspiracy...... you’re opening yourself up to be lumped in with any number of nutters out there.

It sticks out again after playing older games, even if just for a little while!

It feels a bit disingenuous to list The Witness, as it runs on what seems to be precisely one Android device (the SHIELD Android TV)—at that point, why not list Valve’s Nvidia Shield ports on here as well?

The second I saw “slideshow” I was out. At least I know the DS trilogy is in last place?

I never “forcefully criticized, insulted, or denounced” you, so I fail to see how the phrase applies. I forcefully criticized, insulted, or denounced the Republican party and their perspectives, but all I said to you was “I’d recommend learning what they actually mean and not just saying a bunch of vague nonsense to

Dude, if you’ve been old enough to have voted for 20 years (meaning you’re at least 38) and you’re still this willfully daft and sensitive, then I don’t know what to tell you. If really you think I’ve “verbally assaulted” you, then I’m starting to see where the alt-right gets off on calling everyone else a “snowflake.”

If you don’t like the face of something don’t support it. Like, for instance, you whining about what the author of this post wrote. You..... don’t need to be here or stand for it. So feel free to not support Kotaku and this writer if you don’t agree with them, and go away. I promise you, you won’t be missed.

Sounds like you’ve been reading a few too many Ben Shapiro tweets. It’s cool that you’ve learned some big words and all, but I’d recommend learning what they actually mean and not just saying a bunch of vague nonsense to back up your feelings and instead try to look at reality from something other than the eternally

Man, this is some WEAK bait right here. Try harder, troll.

I’m sure the people on your Gamergate subreddit are going to be really proud of you for posting this, but.... yeah...... this is a garbage take. How the hell is it “mature” to be like “Well, I think this person is a fucking asshole, but it IS my duty to financially support them regardless!”? I mean.... come on, man.

Also, when you need to make your headline THIS FUCKING LONG to try to make the article seem like it’s worth clicking on, you should know you’re grasping at straws. Come on, Kotaku.

Breaking news: developer makes game for a new platform!

I do wonder how much of this might be driven by poor decisions by the higher-ups as well—everyone actually making the game may have wanted and tried to make something unique and good, but then the publishers/suits came along and blasted off every bit of personality so they could “appeal to everyone.” This feels too

lol at the idea that Sony is still supporting Playstation Move controllers on the PS5. Just how many units did they overproduce when they thought they were going to magically become the new Wii in 2010? I can’t think of another reason to keep dragging support for them along.

Have we heard anything else about that Pokemon x Adidas collaboration happening.... or were those “leaks” a fake? I desperately want to get these Squirtle shoes (or, preferably, a Bulbasaur equivalent). I’ve tried to keep an eye open for information about it, but I haven’t seen anything in a looooooong time.

Gimme a playable Zelda ASAP! I thought the DLC was going to do that for BotW, but now that we’re doing a sequel, even just the option would be awesome.