
16k or GTFO

I’m not even going to delve into how dumb 8k content is for home consumption in general.

Can we just talk about how absurd it is to make a claim like this with a game that looks like you down-rezzed an early minecraft build? OMG, guys, look at the performance of my Hello World, it really scorches the charts...

People have been saying this for every bump in standard resolutions since like, DVDs started to replace VHS ...

Yes, it’s too early to get the hardware. Also, yes, it’s cool content producers are starting early. So we have content when the hardware is accessible, as opposed to pretty much every past resolution bumps.

“In practical terms, coexistence between different groups does require sacrifice, but it’s never a life-or-death consideration. Nobody has to take medication in order to stop being prejudiced against people who are different from them.”

Beyond that, the article talks about how pretty the game is and includes just a single screenshot and a piece of key art that looks like every other JRPG key art.

Maybe I’m just blind, but I see no mention of the platform/s the game is on?

Frankly, I think this would go down better for me if I didn’t have to pay for it separately. If they had just quietly increased the price I probably would have shrugged it off, considering NSO is realtively cheap compared to the Sony/MS equivalents. But paying extra on purpose just for these N64 and Mega Drive games?

Given the quality and pace of NES and SNES games they’re putting out, hard agree. Very concerned that we won’t be getting any “new” titles on those two consoles anymore as Nintendo is always about “the new thing/thing that makes them more money”.

He also said the PS1 controller was “painful” so I think this is just Takes for the sake of Takes. Getting some real AVClub energy from this article, and not in a good way.

Luke Plunkett Post A Picture Of Yourself Holding A Nintendo 64 Controller So We Can Understand What Kind Of Topsy Turvy Bizarro Shit You’re On Challenge

The number of pictures I’m seeing like this frankly terrifies me

I feel like every person who complained about this controller never figured out that you’re just supposed to hold the middle prong like a handle

The N64 controller looks even weirder in retrospect, now that we know how controllers all ended up, but I still maintain it was a perfectly logical evolution from the SNES controller, from people who couldn’t know much better.

Imagine you’re Nintendo, basically the inventor of the controller - the rectangular NES controller wasn’t great but it was innovative and it got the job done and the SNES controller improved on it in about every way while adding more buttons and being more comfortable. The Genesis and then-brand new PlayStation

This is a gratuitously bad take.

Mostly 2D fighters and some 2D sidescrollers. Out of the 297 N64 games, the amount that only used the D-Pad is less than 20, probably less than 15.

I knew people that held the outside two and then would stretch their thumbs out to get the stick. I never understood it, because it seemed clear to me that you hold the middle one in your left hand when needing to use the stick and switch to holding the left part when using the D-Pad. 

I do not understand how someone could get physical pain playing an N64 controller. Like, maybe if their hands were too big and rubbed up against the side prongs, but otherwise I dunno. Did you try and grab the analog stick while gripping the left prong? If so, why? There’s no trigger button on the left prong, only the

I’m sorry that’s ridiculous. NSO is hardly worth the monthly fee right now as someone who doesn’t do a lot of online gaming. The NES/SNES stuff was cool but its pretty much the only thing you get besides online gaming with NSO. Now they are finally introducing new content (new meaning games that came out 25+ years

Unpopular opinion, but the N64 was by far my favorite console growing up, and still my favorite Nintendo console to date. Our family owned an NES, and the SNES, and both were great and I have a lot of love for them both, but the N64 broke the barrier between what developers were able to do in arcades and the home