Triflers need not apply

I love these

I love these

My son’s 8th bday is Saturday. We have always had Trick or Treat parties for him. Kids play some yard games (either outside or in the basement depending on weather), we do a “pin the boo on the ghost” where the kids decorate their own “boos” and the winner gets an extra large extra filled treat bag for the mini trick

Love how a medical doctor is happily sharing screentime with a bullshit artist who has killed thousands of children and endangered thousands more. SUPER FUN TV TIME.

Is this a commentary on the poster who came in this post last year to talk about her own brutal rape?

I could never have plants because my cats just chewed on everything. So when I hit my late 30s and went plant crazy I decided to hang all my plants. Worked great!

Now I have plants that are in easy reach of the cats that are either 1) Harmless or 2) Ficus. The ficus plants have a nasty sap that irritates the cats’

Jeez let a kid sleep with their parent now and then. My nearly 8 year old wants to sleep with me sometimes and I generally allow it. It’s sweet.

There’s a stark difference between “I think we need to be doing more to support local businesses and my friend would rather we focus on protecting our waterways but we can still love and respect each other” and “I believe female/gay/trans/brown/non-christian/foreign people are people and my friend supports Trump so we

I took a cheap Target body pillow, bent it into a U with the curve toward the top of the bed. Head on a stack of pillows, big tender boobs draped between head pillows and body pillow, bump nestled in the curve of the U.

Back when I was young and skinny I had people commenting on it all the time. Women who were meeting me for the first time had NO problem saying “Oh my god I HATE you!” Men would grab my arm to “feel my mussels”. I was a teenager.

Oh you know what? Actually? Go fuck yourself. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Every single god damn woman I’ve ever talked to about workplace harassment has been harassed in the work place. But yeah, I guess since you found one woman who was shitty in reverse it’s a “both sides” issue. Good jorb.

My friends and I went to our Popeyes last night for The Sandwich. I had literally never been to any Popeyes ever (not a fast food person, no shade just not my thing) and we were EXCITE.

I’m a programmer and an undiagnosed until recently dyslexic. There are dozens of us, DOZENS!

Or you could do like me:

WELP I can see you’re just bound and determined to find fault with me sharing my personal experience on dealing with this incredibly common and almost entirely harmless virus so I’ll just let this conversation end here. Have a lovely day.

Oh ok cool, I just wanted to make sure I hadn’t written something silly like “Everyone follow my script exactly with no modification for your specific circumstances and everything will be 100% fine guaranteed” but turns out I had not said anything like that at all.

Not sure how you’re getting that. I have genital herpes not oral so if clothes are on transmission isn’t going to happen.