Triflers need not apply

Ok so the first outbreak was huge. A big ol cluster like the size of a half dollar, weepy, oozy, and then crusty and scabby. Itchy like motherfuck.. Just nasty. Next outbreak was about the size of a dime maybe? After that they were maybe one lil blister and eventually just a red spot. I’m sure there are folks with a

Maybe they need to do a series of folks who actually have the herp talking about our actual experiences. Because aside from the first couple outbreaks where my immune system was like WTF?? it’s genuinely not a big deal for me any more. The worst part is telling my partners and that’s gotten easier every time. 

Think there’s any chance this hero might ever get ungreyed? I’ve been commenting GOLD on this site for YEARS lol

Gather closely young ones and listen to your big sis about the herp.

Sir this is an Arby’s

If it’s good enough for Andy Dwyer

I just took the test and found myself with Acts of Service as my #1. I assume it’s because every time an AOS question came up I was like “OMG my ex husband never did that I would have DIED of happiness if he ever did that....” so I can see how that might change if I ended up in a healthier relationship someday...

Looks like perfect camel toe camouflage 

Looks like perfect camel toe camouflage 

I got a Clipa2 when it was on here some time before and it’s great. The spring is really strong so is super satisfying to just click in your hand and you can wear it on your wrist or just park it on your bag handle until you need it. I’ve used it a billion times and I’ve gotten a million compliments on it.

I got a Clipa2 when it was on here some time before and it’s great. The spring is really strong so is super

Yep. My kid still has his factory parts installed and never once fountained at diaper change time.

So I’ve been almost exclusively attracting dudes 10 years younger than me lately, mostly through apps, but also IRL. I haven’t really read through the rest of the responses here, but my advice is GO FOR IT. Just ask them to hang out at and have a drink. Maybe you’ll vibe, maybe you won’t. But getting out there and

  1. I don’t have rotating beers on tap at home

Oh wow, no wonder bartenders seem to love me! I order a beer, smile a bunch, read my book by myself, tip really well, and leave. Turns out bartenders are just like cats, the more you ignore them the more they love you. :D

You know what I’d really like? If the prequels were told from the perspective of someone who ends up building the system the way it is in The Hunger Games--instead of another rebellion story. Let me get really into the reasons the Capital was built full of good intentions by some good people just trying to do right.

At the risk of being the person who bops into a an Android tech thread to say “LOL Throw it away and get an iPhone!”....

Drove 75 miles on Saturday to go to a Ren Faire with a friend. Met a VERY hot blacksmith (OMG so fucking hot) and we had like a VIBE and he shook my hand twice so after I got back home I Facebook stalked him and it was all Pro-Choice, Pro-Gay, Pro-Gun Control, Pro-Dungeons and Dragons memes and I was like YES PLEASE

I was halfway through Portal when I got pregnant. Couldn’t finish--between the wildly swinging perspectives and my morning (all day) sickness it just made me too motion sick.

Yeah Cedar Rapids! Let’s go plant shopping at Earl May together

My choice too