Triflers need not apply

Hey Bob, as an Iowan and a parent in Iowa Public Schools, maybe you can just stop talking about things you have no knowledge about and no stake in the outcome of. But that’s just my opinion, you can feel free to ignore it, since you are a free person.

Yeah I’m sure you’re right. Probably when Biden gets re-elected this time he’s gonna totally codify Roe. Then he’ll forgive all student loans and fix trans rights and even give us that covid money we were all promised! Just gotta vote this one more time, just one more vote, and kick him another $25 for his campaign he

Might as well inturrupt a bullshit, entirely for show rally for reproductive rights that Biden isn’t going to do a god damn thing to protect anyway.

I don’t understand the point of this article? Clearly everything he and his team says is lies, clearly his “wife” isn’t looking out for his health in a positive way, why are we humanizing this evil man with this cutesie little puff piece?

Yeah that’s what I keep saying but the Libs keep telling me it should be enough to pick the guy who isn’t actively trying to destroy the country, just kind of passively letting it destroy itself whille saying “Oh wow that’s not great, somebody should do something...”

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I’m not sure what most of these are, can I just take this list to Lowes and have them grab them for me?

Love spending my own time and money to avoid some of the completely worthless but yet extremely expensive security theater that has done absolutely nothing to help or protect anyone ever. LOVE IT.

I can’t understand why anyone would write an article about stuff their older brother’s friend told them about growing weed

Lotta bro science in this article. Flushing? Lol

Didn’t Hungryroot just destroy a bunch of people’s livers with bad lentils? Seems like maybe not an organization I’d put on an top 10 “best” list but I’m not the one getting the comission so what do I know?

I live in Iowa. This is where the ham comes from, this is ham home. Why don’t I have a ham bar? I’d live at the ham bar.

Wow if only the owner of the bar hadn’t been forced at gunpoint to fondle that women OH WAIT you’re telling me it was entirely his decision and the decisions an owner of a business makes can effect the business in negative ways? WEIRD!

Iowa’s Governer Reynolds has been kissing his orange ass for years, could he please pick her or our equally pick me Sen Ernst and get them the fuck outta Iowa? That would be nice.

So you’re not slut shaming, just trust shaming?

I was outside enjoying a little fire in my yard, drinking wine and smoking a joint when I saw an amazing thing in the sky. Excitedly thinking it was a shooting star or something else wild I grabbed my phone and started videoing. My disapointment when zooming in and seeing it was Starlink was absolutely viceral.

Crazy Ex Girlfriend and Jane the Virgin both had “goes through with it” abortion plotlines around the same time a few years ago.

Wait, so Paul Reubens dies and you run a listicle about best vampire movies and you don’t mention Buffy once? Ok.

Cool, love to hear from centerists who can’t decide whether the fascists or the people they are stomping their bootheels into are the good guys. Keep it up!

That’s nice dear