Orrrrrr you could invest in the philips hue system like I did and get all the lights in your bedroom to gradually turn on at whatever times you want for way cheaper.
Orrrrrr you could invest in the philips hue system like I did and get all the lights in your bedroom to gradually…
2) Do I really want to be the guy in his 40s trying weed for the first time?
I’ve been known to mix alcohol and weed together and put it in a dark place for a few weeks. The resulting infusion is a delight.
I have tried this stupid thing every time I’ve seen it post and never once seen the actual promised price. I want more undies but I can’t afford to pay 9 damn dollars per pair!
I have tried this stupid thing every time I’ve seen it post and never once seen the actual promised price. I want…
I started watching SimplyNailogical and immediately invested in some jojoba oil and nail oil tubes. I melt a TINY bit of beeswax in the jojoba to thicken it up and apply literally any time I think about chewing a nail. My cuticles have NEVER looked this good and it only took a week.
Also having an easy baby is strongly linked to smugness and bragging about your own excellent parenting methods in comment sections.
I tell my kid the same thing about eating boogers as I do about playing with his wiener: Do it in private and wash your hands after.
It is shade and it is wonderful
“Clean” and “Dry” are not adjectives ascribe to absolutely any of the good sex I’ve ever had. No wonder they hate sex so much if they think it should be “clean and dry”.
My kid has an October birthday and I throw him a trick or treat party. Guests are asked to dress in costume bring a treat or small trinket to pass out in a lil mini trick or treat instead of bringing gifts. It’s worked well for us.
10/10 on the hydrocolloid bandages. I wear them for a few days until they stop going white and they have significantly reduced my healing time and by preventing scabs reducing scarring.
I can not with the mouth sounds in that video.
I’m sure the article author or I could easily tell you how this is done, but sine you were soliciting gentlemen’s advice only I guess we’ll let the mens handle it for us.
This Podcast Will Kill You just did an episode on prions. Very interesting and scary and now I’m pretty sure I’m gonna die because I had deer jerky like 10 years ago.
Back when I used terry towels I only had bath sheets, not bath towels. I likes to be fully enrobed in my towels.
Back when I used terry towels I only had bath sheets, not bath towels. I likes to be fully enrobed in my towels.
I had a bunch of issues early on: undiagnosed PPD, trouble feeding him, he didn’t sleep for more than 2 hours at a stretch for 9 months, unsupportive partner, fun fun fun. It took about 18 months before I really felt GOOD when it was just him and me, I remember the exact moment when I really felt like things clicked.…
Ok you know that finger rub motion you do when you’re pretending to be a 1920's gangster doing the “money money” sign?