Triflers need not apply

Um that me. I’m that.

How would that even work? Like:

OK, water bath was not a complete success, I did underbake them considerably. BUT the consistency was the same from edge to middle so I think I’m on to something with this water bath idea. Perhaps and extra 50 degrees or 10 minutes?

I have noticed that my friends from outside the US use “lucky” where my friends in the US say “blessed”. Like “I am lucky to have a healthy happy baby” vs “I am blessed to have a healthy happy baby”. Really changes the meaning of the sentence.

I’m a middle brownie lover, which is sad because middle brownies are in short supply. If you like edge brownies there are edge only brownie pans, or you can bake them singly, etc. I was wondering how to make a beautiful middle only brownie...and maybe it’s madness....but what about baking the brownie in a water bath

They are, she is awesome, kick a little money her way seriously.

GUYS The developer is a very cool woman, one of my favorite people. There are HOURS left to support this. If you think this is AT ALL interesting please kick the $15 her way!

It’s hard when he’s your kids’ dad.

What annoys me is when I tell people “Hey he doesn’t like pets” they just keep petting him because they don’t understand/care about cat body language. He’s standing completely still and crouching his body down where they are touching him and they go “Oh he likes it fine look!”

Sit down all the way on the ground.

I have a cat who will rub up on your legs, lick a presented finger, etc, even with strangers, but tenses up and acts panicky when you try to pet him. He’s just not into pets.

I just told my PCP no I won’t be having a pelvic every year I’ll have them on the recommended CDC schedule. The first one was shitty about it so I got a new one. I now see a wonderful female PA internist who respects my wishes not to have a hand up my cootch every year.

Ha. My parents tried the “Just call us and we’ll get you no questions asked we won’t be mad” that they clearly had been told to tell me. But I knew if I ever called them at 1am after skipping curfew smelling of booze or whatever to come get me they would ruin my entire life from them on. Lucky for me I was an

Ok but I genuinely want that Fauxcasso. Where to get plz?

If you’re gonna make it look hand painted and weathered WHY COMIC SANS???

When we were househunting a couple years ago literally every house had a Live Laugh Love somewhere in it. Wall vinyl or fancy frames or throw pillows or something. We had to razor it off the house we bought. Is this some kind of Realtor staging tactic? Can’t be true for every single house....

Now when folks ask why I bothered fucking up one of his rallys or protesting his visit I’ll just point to this fact. I’d like his happy memories of his visits to my state tainted.

Because parents are going to leave their kid in a pool of water long enough to suffocate on the liner?

Grandpa sound like my kind of dude