Triflers need not apply

They should be playing Secret Hitler. I know everybody in Congress got sent a copy.

Bad satire, yo

LOL you still think vaccines cause autism? Everyone knows autism is caused by Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move program. Vaccines are actually sent here by aliens from the Horsehead Nebula to acclimate our genetics to a future life on the surface of Mars while we ready it for our Horsehead Overlords.

Is there anything that can actually be done about a lack of sexual desire in women? I was such a horny teenager and in my early 20s it was like a switch was flipped and it went to zero. I’ve been told all kinds of stuff by doctors from “Have a glass of wine and forget about the dishes for a while” to “It will come

I took the “It wasn’t my fault” as Lydia saying “If I had been in control of the situation my nephew wouldn’t have died.” Like she was telling June that Lydia will do everything in her power to protect June’s baby.

Well good thing I’m in Iowa and that’s what we call them here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Counterpoint: Crawdads are the best “sea”food hands down.

A few friends and I went out to a restaurant with our kids the other day when school got released early due to heat. The kids were being kind of rowdy and one particular grouchy old lady kept giving us glares.

I have a kid. I live for my kid, my kid is the best thing I ever did.

My green smoothie I’ve been drinking on and off for a few years now:

No. I can sit here and tell you the act of sucking snot out of your kid’s nose is gross. But. I have been the exhausted, overwhelmed, terrified parent to a baby who can’t breathe properly. I had a Nose Frida to help me, but if I didn’t have one handy I’m sure in a moment of desperation I’d try direct suction. Anything

Oops, upon rewatch I did notice a lil trickle so nvm.

OMG She just fucking WENT for it didn’t she?

Nope because I’m not allergic to soap, I’m allergic to detergents essentially. Making my own is cheap as hell and it’s awesome to be able to tweak it to do exactly what I want. For example, turns out the bar I use for my skin was terrible for my hair so I made a bar just for my hair that would have been awful for my

I think buying this house a year and a half ago.

My mom did this on our marathon 8 hour drives to visit her family. She’d just find old McDonalds toys that we had forgotten about, maybe under the bed or left in the car, wrap them up and let us open one each every hour or so.

I shocked my parents by informing them that my kid’s daycare tuition cost more than the university tuition they paid for me 15 years ago. They were also shocked at how much gestating and delivering the kid cost in the first place. That’s such a huge problem right now, the people making the policies have no frigging

SLS and all its surfactant cousins make my skin angry so for the past few years I’ve been making my own soap Fight Club style. Aside from the lye parts it’s super easy to do and I love making my own weird combos from like mixing two different colors of clay in and swirling them around and stuff. Highly recommended and

I’ve used Xylitol to great effect. Though you should consider the expected serving size of the final product and how much xylitol will be in that final serving size—xylitol in high quantities can cause some gi situations for people unused to it. 1/2 sugar 1/2 xylitol works well for me.