Triflers need not apply

Probably she’ll need to testify against the guy in court, then get his sentencing, then wait for appeals, then get an amnio to prove it’s the rapists’s genetics in the fetus, then —

Now playing

They don’t give a single, solitary fuck:

Can yall take a moment to watch my state representative Abby Finkenauer:

Did the nurse improvise her obvious thirst as well? Because dem pecs.

You need to go rewatch you some Captain America.

I was an IPA hater, but Backpocket (a local microbrew) has been making some really drinkable ones lately. My fav is the Mango Leche which I’ve been drinking monogamously lately when I’m there.

Maybe you’re just shooting blanks?

If these parents had gotten decent sex ed themselves they’d have learned that pulling out rarely works.

Aldis sells Thin Mints and Samoas. The Samoas are actually better than you can buy from a girl scout. #sorryNotSorry

When I got pregnant I tried to do it right. I talked to my insurance company, I actually went into the office and sat down with a representative and said “Worst case, what will this cost me?” They said my max out of pocket was $5000, so that’s the most I would be paying, barring some extreme catastrophe. We were

In the same box as an item I actually did order off Amazon was included 4 pairs of water shoes. It was branded by the same company as the correct item, and I couldn’t find the shoes on Amazon anywhere, so I have no idea what was going on there. We kept ‘em and they’re actually pretty ok quality.

No worries, you do you! But when you’re throwing a neighborhood party and have borrowed a few crock pots to keep the various foods warm keep these babies in mind.

Meanwhilest those of us in non-legal states

Or like, in Iowa?

It’s basically magic. When I wrote the above post I’d had it on my face for 9.5 hours and my forehead was dry and matte. I cooked and ate dinner in the hour since and now I’m finally getting a little greasy, but that’s probably more about the stir fry than the sunscreen.

So as an alternative to sugary drinks we’re gonna drink a sugary/alcoholy drink? Seems legit.