Nope, actually the worst time to brush is when your mouth is acidic, since the brushing can damage your enamel when it’s already acidified. Maybe drink your drink and then swish with a base or chew some xylitol gum?
Nope, actually the worst time to brush is when your mouth is acidic, since the brushing can damage your enamel when it’s already acidified. Maybe drink your drink and then swish with a base or chew some xylitol gum?
In case you’re not super into Jelly Belly’s politics, Gimbals Fine Candies makes an excellent gourmet jelly bean line as well.
I had a boyfriend in college who could do that. It made Bjs a million times better.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I knit myself into an actual case of acute carpel tunnel and had to wear wrist braces at night for a few weeks until it calmed down making pink hats last year. I’m not gonna go through all that this year if I’m going to get called a TERF for it.
But some peoples’ eyes aren’t blue and some people don’t have eyes and some people don’t have hands so if I knit this and wear this in a year from now will I be reading think pieces about how I’m racist and ableist?
#1 on that Magic Wand. I got mine in my 3rd year of college (that’d be back in 2002? ish?) and it’s still going strong. I do have the cord all duck taped up tho.
I’ve been working from home a little over 2 years now. I take my kid to school nearly every morning. It really does get me into “work” mode and makes sure I look halfway human.
It’s hard at first but it gets easier. And it’s a relief to just look up the wikipedia or cliffs notes to get the ending.
If I quit the book it gets a little line instead of a filled in square in my book tracker and I don’t add it to my “read this year” book challenge on good reads, and I’m a completest, so it can be very hard for me to quit (especially when it’s the third incomplete book in a row). I generally get the “I’m not enjoying…
I’m so sure. You’re just another shill for Big Homeostasis.
I thought I hated Romance, but it turned out I just hated bad romance! I can’t stand books with extreme power imbalances, abduction, sexual assault, Stockholm Syndrome, and straight up rape as “romance”.
I think I’d rather share office space with someone with the sniffles than someone as bitter as you.
Yeah, just showing up in bed one night? My ghost husband scratched at my window and moaned while the wind whipped through the moors like a GENTLEMAN.
Yes, obviously! I thought the whole thing was stupid for the same reason. People have been looking down at their chests forever, this is not a new thing!
I recently rendered some beef fat to make soap. I did it in a crock pot I put outside to keep the copious stank out of my house. I know soud vide is not completely stank proof, how much stank did your goose grease create?
I checked the “Do you ever drink more than you intended to” because yeah sometimes that happens, and that was all I checked. Goodness me it’s telling me I have a problem.
Put it in the freezer upside down. There, I just saved you all that breaking through solid fat malarkey.