I love Dr Sandra Lee so much
I love Dr Sandra Lee so much
The mexican restaurant that JUST closed and I’m so sad: guac and two carnitas tacos
The sound of the snow under his feet sets my teeth on edge. You can absolutely hear how cold it is.
When I saw they had both Beckys I decided I would watch this if, and only if, they literally alternated Beckys every scene and no one commented on it at all. But otherwise, I really don’t see the point of all these revivals. (Except Magic School Bus which is beautiful and perfect and necessary)
Everything I know about this heist I learned from Drunk History
I feel like the last remaining human who likes Facebook. Maybe I’m just using it wrong.
Just don’t read the youtube comments. Srsly.
As an Iowan I felt it was my responsibility to pitch Lebensborn policies to Steve King’s phone answering boy when that quote first came out. He seemed very interested in the idea.
Stallions don’t but mares sure do:
I reserve to right to always be the first to post Night Cheese since Tina Fey in that scene was literally channeling me in my Royale with Sleeves eating some fine cambozola.
I fully 1000% recognize that there is nothing I can say or do (within the bounds of the law) that will make even the tiniest dent or etch on my senators or representatives’ behavior.
Apparently Grassley’s Davenport phone answering intern came to work ready to be compared to a Nazi.
I made these for Second Thanksgiving this year and they were really amazing. Made great leftovers too.
We did Secret Santa with my dad’s siblings. When you turned like 14? you went from being a kid and getting gifts from everyone to being an adult and being in the Secret Santa. It would have gone really well except my fucking aunt kept blowing the money limit. We’d all be trying to find creative ways to keep to a ~$25…
Hooks baby! I walk my kid to and from school and there are some significant hills so even on a chilly day I sweat right through my bra and other attire. I hang those up after morning walk and change into non sweaty clothes and by the time afternoon walk rolls around they’re dry and I change back in. Usually…